A more effective international disease surveillance system is essential for global security both against a bioterrorist attack or a naturally occurring disease.
The newness effect of a new thing wears off in nine months to a year, but financial security can last a lifetime.
We must achieve both security and solvency. In fact, the foundation of military strength is economic strength,
I think in the U.S., the border fence is no longer an immigration issue primarily; it's a security issue.
We know there can be no justice in the Middle East without a Palestinian state. But there can be no security in the Middle East without a Palestinian state.
The people in Dominica and the small communities where I were had no idea who I was, and there's no better security than that.
I think we will begin to see some real efforts made to do things like protecting Social Security and Medicare.
A Protestant has seldom any mercy shown him, and a Jew, who turns Christian, is far from being secure.
Social Security was always supposed to be basically in theory an insurance program where you pay in and then you get out.
I think a loaded weapon aboard an airplane, whether it's in the cargo section or in your overhead baggage, is a security issue.
Democrats talk about programs like Social Security or Medicare, but it's not clear to most voters what Democrats' core moral values are.
We clearly need to break our addiction on Saudi Arabian oil that is a security threat to the United States.
Military police know what to do, they know the Geneva Conventions, and their objective is to provide a safe, secure, fair environment for prisoners under their control.
What takes place in the Security Council more closely resembles a mugging than either a political debate or an effort at problem-solving.
The very desire to be certain,to be secure,is the beginning of bondage.It's only when the mind is not caught in the net of certainty,and is not seeking certainty, that it is in a state of discovery.
I've never seen a constructive Social Security debate that started with one side digging in, in one place and another side digging into another.
He who is firmly seated in authority soon learns to think security, and not progress, the highest lesson in statecraft.
Hardworking men and women deserve not only job security, but also a paycheck when they need to take time off to care for a loved one.
Certainly, protecting oppressed people, stopping ethnic conflict and promoting responsible governance are worthy goals. But none is as important for American security and prosperity as keeping the peace in the Middle East, Europe and East Asia.
Israel deserves special treatment from the United States, both for historical reasons and because there can be no regional peace without a secure Israel.
I have to say that elections, even in the most peaceful region, always make the hardest time for regional state institutions, including security structures.