A woman will feel emotionally secure when you can listen to her stories. Then she will learn to love you.
Zionism demands a publicly recognized and legally secured homeland in Palestine for the Jewish people. This platform is unchangeable.
I'm confident that the terrorists are aware that from the curb to the cockpit we've got additional security measures that didn't exist a couple of years ago.
Attacks on Internet sites and infrastructure, and the compromise of secure information, pose a particularly tricky problem because it is usually impossible to trace an attack back to its instigator.
One of the most widespread myths about the deal is that the Administration is outsourcing the security of our ports to a company from the United Arab Emirates.
Happy is the man who enjoy warmth of the sun and refresh in the breeze, who is secure within and say I have lived to-day.
At the present moment, the security of coherent philosophy, which existed from Parmenides to Hegel, is lost.
Businesses should absolutely set aside funding in their budgets for security consultants. Unless there is an expert on staff, and there usually is not, it needs to be outsourced.
I do not own a single security anywhere that doesn't pay a dividend, and I formed a mutual-fund company with that very simple philosophy.
I'm insisting, quite unapologetically, on the need to have these appropriate security measures in place to protect the voters, which is my principal charge.
With 3 percent of the world's resources and 25 percent of the world's demand, it is pretty obvious this country cannot drill its way to energy security.
Social Security must be preserved and strengthened. But we need to be candid about the costs and willing to make the tough choices that real reform will require.
The security of which we speak is to be attained by the development of international law through an international organization based on the principles of law and justice.
If a tech journalist needs financial security before doing what their conscience dictates, I'm not sure they should be calling themselves journalists at all.
It's not a very secure industry. I've spoken to a couple of people recently who had a successful TV show and then found themselves absolutely skint and struggling to find a job.
The man who can make others laugh secures more votes for a measure than the man who forces them to think.
Basketball made me happy to be tall. And more secure about myself than I ever would have been without it.
The globalization that has swept away the barriers to the movement of goods, ideas and people has also swept with it barriers that confined and localized security threats.
For every African state, like Ghana, where democratic institutions seem secure, there is a Mali, a Cote d'Ivoire, and a Zimbabwe, where democracy is in trouble.
Don't live in the castles; freedom is in the fields! But I can also say: Don't live in the fields; security is in the castles!
My research interests since then have shifted strongly towards the economic and regulatory problems of the financial services industry, and especially of the securities and options exchanges.