Roger Thornhill: Seven parking tickets.
Howard Beale: Television is not the truth. Television is a goddamned amusement park.
Cecil Parkes: You must play as if there's no tomorrow.
Prison's a walk in the park compared with being sectioned, mate, it really is.
I'm not a person who has people tell me things in parking garages.
Sometimes a girl's gotta be bad to be good. Murder in the Dog Park
The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking spaces.
I used to work in a fire hydrant factory. You couldn't park anywhere near the place.
I'm the girl who is lost in space, the girl who is disappearing always, forever fading away and receding farther and farther into the background. Just like the Cheshire cat, someday I will suddenly leave, but the artificial warmth of my smile, that p...
Clark: I think you're all fucked in the head. We're ten hours from the fucking fun park and you want to bail out. Well I'll tell you something. This is no longer a vacation. It's a quest. It's a quest for fun. You're gonna have fun, and I'm gonna hav...
Will I obliterate national debt? Sure, why not?
North Korea is not an insane nation. It is not a crazy nation.
To win a national championship, you've got to be a little lucky.
The United Nations is a place for prostitution under the feet of Americans.
The nation that honors a dancer more than a scholar is no more a nation.
America should function as a Christian nation.
I'd say that all nations have contact with the truth, and all religions have admirable people.
The area of climate change has a dramatic impact on national security.
A safe, affordable and plentiful supply of food is a national security issue.
I have never participated directly or indirectly in any business related to the United Nations.
My government, a government of national unity, will make all necessary structural reforms.