Desperately struggling, kicking down other people. Stealing the stolen, while repeating your reasons over and over. And even so, you aim for the horizon over the hills. That's why humans are so interesting...
Every woman has, for her own self-esteem, to work or have a major interest.
And then what makes the work interesting is if you choose the right questions.
I was really more interested in dramatic work, but I thought, 'Well, I guess I could do comedy.'
When you talk about 'doing the work', that's the work I'm interested in. What can I contribute as a human being?
What is interesting to me is to find ways to work with early-stage innovators to build from the edge and work on tomorrow's ideas.
I would advise anyone seriously interested in acting to study, train, and work as much as possible... You will know soon enough if it's the right avenue for you.
I'm interested in generating work for myself. I have trouble with this waiting-for-the-phone-to-ring lifestyle, especially after drama school, which was so creatively fulfilling.
Film work can be very interesting, but it also can be awfully boring because who creates the film? The actors? No. It is the director. It's his piece of work.
Personally, as a print journalist, I always found the most interesting stories to be the ones hacks talked about in the bar after work.
I never wanted to work with celebrities. I have no interest. I don't really care about their egos and their publicists.
When I look at some of my old work, the pieces I find most interesting are the ones with people in them.
It is quite interesting that whilst there are tremendous theories, in the 1960s when IT was born, everybody was supposedly going to their cottage in the countryside to work in a virtual way.
I like to work with the same people when I can, and you want to get people with the same interests that you have, and the same aesthetic.
Children are far more interesting to work with than grownups. They're incredibly honest. They'll tell you exactly what they think.
There's a tendency to think that young designers only do fantasy fashion, but I'm more interested in making clothes that women can afford.
Women in general interest me. I like how women are more liable to talk about real things, personal things.
Kau Pribumi terpelajar! Kalau mereka itu, Pribumi itu, tidak terpelajar, kau harus bikin mereka jadi terpelajar. Kau harus, harus, harus, harus bicara pada mereka , dengan bahasa yang mereka tahu
The political instinct might wear different clothes in different nations, but underneath the pomp and ceremony it's the same ugliness.
The artistic reward for refuting the received national tradition is liberation. The price is homelessness. Interior exile.
Just in front of her lay the Congaree Swamp National Forest. To prove it, a mosquito the size of a kitten landed on her arm and prepared to drill.