People use irony as a defense mechanism.
You are what what you eat eats.
Attack is the secret of defense; defense is the planning of an attack.
In silence - and in self-defense - I figured things out in my own little way.
Legitimate use of violence can only be that which is required in self-defense.
Resentment seems to have been given us by nature for a defense, and for a defense only! It is the safeguard of justice and the security of innocence.
Every war when it comes, or before it comes, is represented not as a war but as an act of self-defense against a homicidal maniac.
Arts is just as important as military defense, you know? Emotional defense is just as important.
When you shoot someone who is fleeing, it's not self-defense. It's an execution.
Lying is not only a defense mechanism; it's also a coping mechanism and a survival technique.
The Second Amendment does protect the right to people to possess weapons for self-defense in the home. That's what the Supreme Court said.
Last year, Congress gave the Department of Defense the authority to design a new civilian personnel system for its employees as part of the defense authorization bill.
Childbirth is more admirable than conquest, more amazing than self-defense, and as courageous as either one.
If we can't find cuts in the defense budget, we're not looking carefully enough.
Parker: It's got a great defense mechanism... you don't dare kill it...
The thought had occurred to me as I was flying to Salt Lake City earlier that day that Ted Bundy might offer to let me stay in his apartment” (p. 74). (Loftus testified as a defense expert for Ted Bundy in 1976)
The costs of military service are substantial. Many costs are readily apparent; others are less apparent but no less important. Among the most pervasive and potentially disabling consequences of these costs is the threat to the psychological health o...
The minute you had kids you closed ranks. You didn't plan this in advance, but it happened. Families were like individual, discrete, moated island nations. The little group of citizens on the slab of rock gathered together instinctively, almost defen...
Dear sirs, The cold war isn’t over. When national borders fail, the epidermis is the last line of defense. We are counting on you. Sincerely, Patriot
Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.
In the Freudian age, parents say to their children, 'Don't be defensive,' meaning, 'You have no argument,' but I was born in the age of Rommel, when defense was considered an honorable thing.