I authored the Universal National Service Act because I believe that everyone in America should contribute to the greater good of America.
Can a democratic nation fight a War on Terror and at the same time bend over backward so as not to offend a few visitors' rights?
France and Italy have not yet signed this treaty or agreed to naval limitation as between those nations, but I have confidence that in time they will do so.
The President is not squaring with the American people as to the seriousness of our nation's fiscal condition. It is time for people to stand up and tell the truth.
When the French nation gradually came into existence among the ruins of the Roman civilization in Gaul, a new language was at the same time slowly evolved.
Really, I learned a long time ago that in the National Football League, paper doesn't mean anything. Football teams are created on the football field.
I certainly don't want our nation to go into default, but at the same time, I'm very concerned about our ongoing debt problem.
If the Americans go in and overthrow Saddam Hussein and it's clean, he has nothing, I will apologize to the nation, and I will not trust the Bush administration again.
King George VI: Is the nation ready for two... minutes of radio silence?
Audrey Griswold: She breathed on me! A dead person breathed on me!
Aunt Edna: Is this your idea of a good restaurant? Dog killer!
A lot of the money in the stock market is really our national retirement plan, for better or worse.
The United States spends more money on African aid than any nation on earth.
But you answer, that the Constitution recognizes property in slaves. It would be sufficient, then, to reply, that this constitutional recognition must be void, because it is repugnant to the law of nature and of nations.
No nation ever had an army large enough to guarantee it against attack in time of peace, or ensure it of victory in time of war.
The diffusion of a universalist culture and of a pedagogy of peace appears more than ever to be the path that we must follow for the salvation of all nations on earth.
I know of no greater work for humanity than in the cause of peace, which can only be achieved by the earnest efforts of nations and peoples.
The goal of this Nation, I so strongly believe, is to be a preeminent world power. We have to understand what comes with that: The responsibility to be strong.
We should remember that there are nations which meet more than 30 to 60% of their power requirements through the nuclear power system.
My relationship with the mountains actually started when I was 16. Every year, a group used to be taken from Auckland Grammar down to the Tangariro National Park for a skiing holiday.
One of the wonders of science is that it is completely universal. It crosses national boundaries with total ease.