Teachers are our greatest public servants; they spend their lives educating our young people and shaping our Nation for tomorrow.
The battle for our lives, and the lives of our children, our husbands, our friends, our families, & our nation, is waged on our knees.
The battle for our lives, and the lives of our children, our husbands, our friends, our families, and our nation, is waged on our knees.
Our national emblem has four lions but unfortunately we have highlighted more lambs and wolfs than real lions of our country.
If the UN has not failed in maintaining world peace or bilateral relations between nations, it has definitely not succeeded either.
It's true that in Canada, we pride ourselves on the game, and we like to think we're the dominant hockey nation in the world.
The United States has grown into a remarkable nation specifically because of our independent spirit and free market.
The essence of the conservative message should be we want a dynamic nation where anybody with nothing can achieve anything.
Of the 22 industrialized nations of the world, we're dead last in per capita giving to poor people.
The political currents that topped the global agenda in the late 20th century - revolutionary nationalism, feminism and ethnic struggle - place culture at their heart.
None but an armed nation can dispense with a standing army. To keep ours armed and disciplined is therefore at all times important.
In a republican nation, whose citizens are to be led by reason and persuasion and not by force, the art of reasoning becomes of first importance
Our freedom of mobility has helped keep this nation free. We are eagles, not herds of cattle. Eagles are much harder to corral with fences.
Votes in federal elections are cast and counted in a highly decentralized and variable fashion, with no uniform ballots and few national standards.
The dependence of one people upon another, even for the benefits of legislation, is the deepest source of national weakness.
The rising cost of prescription drugs has sparked a prairie fire that is spreading across our nation.
That there are men in all countries who get their living by war, and by keeping up the quarrels of Nations is as shocking as it is true...
In its haste to bolster nationalism, in its obsession with security, Europe is losing its soul.
I wouldn't even get elected. I'd probably deck a couple of people, too which would not play very well with the national media.
We need to rekindle those values, those strengths as a nation and as a people... And we must do so as one people with one goal.
I simply cannot see how denying chemotherapy treatment for Palestinian children increases Israel's security or advances U.S. national interests.