I suppose there are people who can pass up free guacamole, but they're either allergic to avocado or too joyless to live.
Perbedaan warna kulit yang anda anut membangkitkan perasaan jijik orang Asia! Sampai-sampai ke dalam film anda memperlihatkan kerendahan dari bansa kulit berwarna!
Amerika hanya suka padamu bila engkau berada pada pihak yang dipilihnya. Kalau engkau tidak sepenuhnya sejalan dengan dia, engkau secara otomatis dimasukan dalam blok Uni Sovyet.
Sampai hari kematianku, aku tetap seorang demokrat. Abdi dari rakyatku. Pelaksana dari keinginan mereka. Aku tidak memaksakan pimpinan kepada rakyat. Aku memberikan saran dan menunggu reaksi.
Kesakitan yang dirasakan oleh siapa saja ini hanyalah kerikil di jalan menuju kemerdekaan. Langkahilah dia. Kalau engkau jatuh karenanya, berdirilah kembali dan terus berjalan.
Aku tidak mau jika kemerdekaan yang kuoerjuangkan sepanjang hidupku, diberikan sebagai hadiah kepadaku seperti sedekah kepada pengemis. Kemerdekaan haruslah merupakan buah dari usaha kita sendiri.
Seorang pemimpin Indonesia haruslah seorang sosok yang berwibawa. Dia harus memancarkan kekuatan. Bagi suatu bangsa yang pernah ditaklukan bangsa lain, ini penting sekali.
Sudah menjadi sifat manusia untuk meludahi lawan yang lemah,. Tetapi bila kita menghadapi lawan yang kuat, setidak-tidaknya kita merasa bahwa dia merupakan lawan kita yang pantas.
Nasionalisme tanpa keadilan sosial adalah nihilisme. Bagaimana suatu negeri yang miskin dan sangat buruk seperti negeri kami dapat menganut suatu aliran selain sosialisme?
A boat is always safe in the harbor, but that's not what boats are built for.
Pubic hair is proof of sexual maturity and if your partner finds that a turn-off, you should probably reconsider that partner.
So if I was to choose? Then I choose complicated,” I said, with a nod of finality. I met his eyes again in a silent challenge. “I choose you.
She had always enjoyed the carte blanche accorded to mobsters, aristocrats, circus clowns, and lunatics
Personal value is the kind of value we receive from being active instead of passive, creative instead of consumptive.
I am very surprised by someone like Alexander Wang. I am amazed how he is good with fashion, with business, with public relations himself, with an attitude in his clothes that is spoken immediately.
I don't regret not going to college. Students learn up to the age of 21, then stop. I'll always be learning - the things that really matter in life. How to sign on, how to get free food, how to be streetwise.
I think 60 is when many people hit their prime. We elect many of our presidents in their 60s. At that age, people are full of ideas and their best self. I wanted to dig into my potential and bring out my best self.
People are so busy dreaming the American Dream, fantasizing about what they could be or have a right to be, that they're all asleep at the switch. Consequently we are living in the Age of Human Error.
If the Age of Sport has been all champagne and roses hitherto, then expect our love affair with its newly-acquired prominence to become increasingly tainted by scandals about cheating. Sport is losing its shine and allure.
The U.S. Army records alone for World War II weigh 17,000 tons, and even the best historians have not done more than just scratch the surface. The story is such that 500 years from now people will be writing and reading about it.
Just as a cautious businessman avoids investing all his capital in one concern, so wisdom would probably admonish us also not to anticipate all our happiness from one quarter alone.