Toxicity causes nutritional deprivation - and your body then craves more and more food, trying to get what it needs.
I'm not scared of anything in particular, but I am motivated by a fear of failure as opposed to a need to succeed.
It's probably foolish to expect relationships to go on forever and to say that because something only lasts 10 years, it's a failure.
I think that a failure of statistical thinking is the major intellectual shortcoming of our universities, journalism and intellectual culture.
I think that big, sort of theatrical relaunches tend to set you up for failure and hype.
Never be afraid to fail. Failure is only a stepping stone to improvement. Never be overconfident because that will block your improvement.
No matter how well things are going, failure and disaster are just around the corner. So celebrate the good, but be ready for the bad.
Pose a political threat to Business As Usual, and sooner or later, mostly sooner, someone will try to kill you.
Today, the forces of competition, technology, and globalization have converged to spur innovation and to transform the way business is done in the securities industry.
Negro banks, as a rule, have failed because the people, taught that their own pioneers in business cannot function in this sphere, withdrew their deposits.
In principle, there are only three main components of spending that much matter to monetary policy: consumer spending, business investment and exports and trade.
Up until the Depression, recession had a moral character: it was supposed to purge the body economic of the greed and excess that attends a business expansion.
Rarely in modern times has there been such a revolution in commercial sentiment as occurred in 2008, or such a display in government and business of panic and helplessness.
In the business world, bad news is usually good news - for somebody else.
Nobody forces you to work at Wal-Mart. Start your own business! Sell something to Wal-Mart!
For whatever reason somebody can be convinced to buy a PC, it opens up a whole new market for all of us in the software business.
Unlike any other business in the United States, sports must preserve an illusion of perfect innocence.
For the Puritans, the God-centered life meant making the quest for spiritual and moral holiness the great business of life.
Writers and painters alike are in the business of consulting their own imaginations, and stimulating the imaginations of others. Together, and separately, they celebrate the absolute mystery of otherness.
Social networking platforms like Facebook and Twitter should be urged to adhere to business practices that maximize the safety of activists using their platforms.
Clearly Google is searching for a way to do business in China that avoids them sending someone to jail over an e-mail.