I'm myself, not a label.
I'm on a missionary journey to become the best version of myself.
I don't look at myself as one of the best pitchers in the world.
I have never taken myself that seriously as an actor.
I cringe when I watch myself on TV.
I have no desire to look at myself.
I don't see myself as such an important guitarist.
I have to stay true to myself.
I was reading so much about myself in the papers that was not me.
I tend to scare myself.
I like to think of myself as a humanitarian.
In no way do I want to draw attention to myself.
I just think of myself as a comedian, really.
I don't want to find myself designing for the press.
We have two kids, my wife and myself.
I'm actually a little comic nerd myself.
I really fancied myself a comedic actress.
I don't know what to do with myself when it's sunny!
I can live with myself.
I essentially write for myself.
I do not consider myself a literal genius.