Sometimes, a lie is told in kindness. I don't believe it ever works kindly. The quick pain of truth can pass away, but the slow, eating agony of a lie is never lost.
We think we can make honey without sharing in the fate of bees, but we are in truth nothing but poor bees, destined to accomplish our task and then die.
When denial is in play, a person simply refuses to recognize the truth, no matter how apparent.
Someone has said that culture is what remains with you after you have forgotten all you have read, and I believe there is much truth in that.
[M]an is not permitted without censure to follow his own thoughts in the search of truth, when they lead him ever so little out of the common road.
If you loved someone, you couldn’t let lies come between you. No matter what happened—even if you’d already lost each other forever—you owed each other the truth.
Life moved in circles. Such was the path. What came would come again, breath to breath, until each riddled out the truth within. War was a path to the next, as sure as any, but lies gained nothing.
Dark waves fell along the side of his face and he stared, pleading for me to see more of him. To see the truth. “Maybe I want to be the kind of guy a girl like you believes in.
An Idea is nothing but Information, It won't do us any harm until we accept it as perception of truth in our mind, which in time will potentially evolve and construct major events in history.
The couple trapped behind the glass could fool anyone. They looked content with each other; they looked happy. Their embrace looked warm, subtle and safe. But anybody outside the mirror world could see the truth.
Science and art,... they seek the truth and the meaning of life, they seek God, [and] the soul, and when they are harnessed to passing needs and activities,... then they only complicate and encumber life.
What sets Salvation apart from everything else in the world is the Biblical truth that Satan cannot touch your soul because he doesn't know your PIN.
I've heard it said that God is in the details. It's the same with the truth. Leave out the details, the crucial heart, and you can damn someone with the bare bones of it.
They thought he was scared all the time because he was a coward. The truth was, only he could see the world clearly enough to know how truly scary it was.
Magnus had come to a horrible realization. One that he knew would cause him nothing but pain and suffering from that day forward. But there was no changing the truth of it. He had fallen in love with her.
Many do not have the courage to face the truth of life and instead dwell upon some delusions to escape it. Any such escapism is a major hurdle in spiritual development.
It is better to go near the truth and be imprisoned than to stay with the wrong and roam about freely, master Galilei. In fact, getting attached to falsity is terrible slavery, and real freedom is only next to the right.
Maintain your integrity! Live life in such a way that when another person tells his or her truth, you'll not be committed for blame.
Integrity involves the ability to stand straight when you tell your truth, and still stand straight when the other person comes to talk!
Shit, money, and the World, the three American truths, powering the American mobility, claimed the Slothrops, clasped them for good to the country's fate. But they did not prosper... about all they did was persist
Like all real heroes, Charley had a fatal flaw. He refused to believe that he had gonorrhea, whereas the truth was that he did.