If you know someone that has given up hope, try giving that person some of your peace, joy, and faith!
People who tell untruths are easily deceived because they have placed their energy in that negative vibration location and are now a match for that behavior.
When we live our life as if it is an open book, we are free in body, mind, and spirit and allow anyone to read from our pages.
We are born with the need for a leader, someone to control the conflict between each individual's need. An alpha in the house, an alpha at work, an alpha in the church and in the White House.
We are not perfect. We are here to learn. Earth is one big classroom and God is our heavenly guidance counselor and teacher.
When someone wants to give you a “piece of their mind,” ask them to give you “peace from their heart” instead.
An act of kindness may take only a moment of our time, but when captured in the heart the memory lives forever.
Speaking kind words starts a wave of love in motion that brings more love upon your shores.
A purposeful act or extension of kindness to another is never wasted, for it always resides in the hearts of all involved in a chain of love.
Gatekeepers and people that work in marketing are suckling pigs at the helm of Satan’s phallus. They are the death of art, and ultimately the death of the human spirit.
Jenny retained a flimsy essence of the truth. It was a quiet knowing she'd always hold in her heart...''Broken Mirror by Oliver Rixon
I think Michael Moore is an amazing man - an amazing, brave man. And I think people are probably going to start saying, 'Don't associate with Cindy Sheehan.' People who speak truth to power somehow are marginalized in this country.
The truth sets you free. It's a very liberating thing, when you say this is who I am warts and all and then you can just get on with life. It's amazing.
The art of transformation is a very important thing to me, and I always believe I can say something more truthful through characters that are further away from me.
Art is magic... But how is it magic? In its metaphysical development? Or does some final transformation culminate in a magic reality? In truth, the latter is impossible without the former. If creation is not magic, the outcome cannot be magic.
This is a story about survival. Letting go and learning to let in. Getting along and moving on. The truth about life. The things left unsaid...
Contribute to No More Lies Dot Org. Every dollar you donate will bring us 75 cents closer to the truth.
You know what Abnegation used to say about pride?' 'Something unfavorable,I assume.' I laugh.' Obviously. They said it blinds people to the truth of what they are.
If what we know to be true does not translate over into the way we love one another, it is a misrepresentation of THE TRUTH.
...as he discovered in the course of his uncountable years that a lie is more comfortable than doubt, more useful than love, more lasting than truth...
What is morality, she asked. Judgement to distinguish right and wrong, vision to see the truth, and courage to act upon it, dedication to that which is good, integrity to stand by the good at any price.