There is nothing worse for a young convert than to be thrust into leadership without mentoring and ongoing coaching because the devil relishes these vulnerable souls.
The soul is "torn apart in a painful condition as long as it prefers the eternal because of its Truth but does not discard the temporal because of familiarity.
Going to church is not a sign of going to God, if you think he is omnipresent, he is right there in your soul and bedroom.
She clung to the memories of her youth as if they were the only way she could save a piece of her soul from whatever it was she was about to face.
Lies and secrets, Tessa, they are like a cancer in the soul. They eat away what is good and leave only destruction behind.
But Nita had always seen having a child as selfish. Why bring another soul into this world, she'd say, when there are so many out there that need our help?
There are always those to whom all self-revelation is contemptible, unless it ends with a noble thanks to the gods for the Unconquerable Soul.
Dr. Turing of Cambridge says that the soul is an illusion and that all that defines us as human beings can be reduced to a series of mechanical operations.
I'm about to cross a line with you...a line there will be no hope of me ever returning from. And I'm terrified because the thought of you excites me.
Sebastian never does anything just for fun.” Jace took Clary’s hand and pulled her toward him. “But I do.
(Jace) "Is there anything special you want to see? Paris? Budapest? The Leaning Tower of Pisa?" Only if it falls on Sebastian's head, she thought.
She had always wanted a brother. And she had one now. Sebastian. It was like always wanting a puppy and being a hellhound instead.
I know I told you once that whether God exists or not, we're on our own. But when I'm with you, I'm not.
There. She had thanked Sebastian. She waited for a bolt of lightning to shoot out of the clouds and striker her dead. But nothing happened.
These were people who hunted for a way to erase the haunted, malnourished gaze from their souls and replace it with their faith in freedom and safety.
You stole a boat,” she snapped. “What am I doing with you, you boat-stealing lunatic?
Of course he loves me. I’m his sister.” “Blood isn’t love,” said Magnus, and his voice was bitter.
As far as I’m concerned, this is the worst thing that’s happened since I found out why Magnus was banned from Peru.
Sweet pea?'" Alec said. "I was just trying it out." Alec shook his head. "No." Magnus shrugged. "I'll keep at it.
You no longer need other people in your life once you have found your true love.
Poems are the chorus of our lives. the poet sets the words to the music of our souls. Each poem has its own rhythm that drums like a heartbeat.