Cyclops: Everybody stand back. Dr. Jean Grey: Scott no. His mind is connected to Cerebro. Opening the door, could kill him and everyone his mind is linked to. Storm: Wait. Kurt, I need you to take me inside. Cyclops: Storm, who is this guy? Who are y...
Charles Xavier: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! This is a code red situation! We are evacuating the entire floor, so that we - my, uh [looks at Logan] Charles Xavier: ... associate and I can, uh, secure the prisoner. Surveillance Guard #1: Who ...
Tallahassee: Bill Murray, you're a zombie? [Wichita hits Bill in his back with a golf club] Bill Murray: [cries in pain] Ow, I'm on fire! Ouch! Tallahassee: You're not a zombie, you're talking and... You're okay? Bill Murray: The hell I am. Wichita: ...
Ford: [Ford is attempting to buy Eliza, who begs to allow her daughter to come too. Her son having just been sold] How much for the little girl? You have no need for her. One so young will bring you no profit. Freeman: I will not sell the girl. There...
Queen Gorgo: I am not here to represent Leonidas; his actions speak louder than my words ever could. I am here for all those voices which cannot be heard: mothers, daughters, fathers, sons - three hundred families that bleed for our rights, and for t...
[Carolyn is introducing Lester to the Real Estate King] Carolyn Burnham: My husband, Lester. Buddy Kane: It's a pleasure. Lester Burnham: Oh, we've met before, actually. This thing last year, Christmas at the Sheraton... Buddy Kane: [pretends to reme...
[last lines] Alvy Singer: [narrating] After that it got pretty late, and we both had to go, but it was great seeing Annie again. I... I realized what a terrific person she was, and... and how much fun it was just knowing her; and I... I, I thought of...
Genie: [as a female flight attendant] Thank you for choosing Magic Carpet for all your travel needs. Don't stand until the rug has come to a complete stop. Thank you. Goodbye now. Goodbye. Goodbye. Thank you. Goodbye. Genie: [back to normal] Well, ho...
Aladdin: Provisos? You mean limitations? On wishes? Huh. [to Abu] Aladdin: Some all powerful Genie. Can't even bring people back from the dead. I don't know, Abu. He probably can't even get us out of this cave. Looks like we're gonna have to find a w...
[Princess Jasmine is in disguise, and hanging out with Aladdin, when the guards capture him] Princess Jasmine: Let him go! Razoul: [laughs] Looky here, men. A street mouse. [throws her down] Princess Jasmine: Unhand him! [pulls off the hood of her cl...
C.C. Baxter: [Opens his bedroom door, tosses a pair of gloves in, and is about to step out, but he has seen Fran lying on the bed] All right, Miss Kubelik, get up. [No response from the unconscious Fran] C.C. Baxter: It's past checking-out time. The ...
Robbie Turner: Have you been in touch with your family? Cecilia Tallis: No I told you I wouldn't. Leon waited outside the hospital last week. I just pushed past him. Robbie Turner: Cee, you don't owe me anything. Cecilia Tallis: Robbie didn't you rea...
Ultron: [in a crimson cowl] You're wondering why you can't look inside my head. Wanda Maximoff: Sometimes it's hard. But sooner or later every man shows himself. Ultron: [stands and removes the cowl] Oh, I'm sure they do. But you needed something mor...
Col. Quaritch: You are not in Kansas anymore. You are on Pandora, ladies and gentlemen. Respect that fact every second of every day. If there is a Hell, you might wanna go there for some R & R after a tour on Pandora. Out there beyond that fence ever...
Bruce Wayne: [seated in the back of his car; he answers the phone] Bruce Wayne. Earle: What makes you think *you* can decide who's running Wayne Enterprises? Bruce Wayne: Well, the fact that I'm the owner. Earle: What are you talking about? The compa...
Bender: Carl? How does one become a janitor? Carl: You wanna be a janitor? Bender: No, I just want to know how one becomes a janitor. Because, you see, Brian here is very interested in pursuing a career in the custodial arts. Carl: Oh really? You guy...
Smith: I'm sorry. Eversmann: You have nothing to be sorry about. You saved Twombly, you did it perfect. Smith: You okay Twombs? Twombly: Yeah, I'm okay, Jamie. Eversmann: See, you did what you were trained to do. You should be proud of that, be proud...
Capt. Glass: My problem is, I'm not totally crazy about the prospect of dying. SSgt. Eddie Dohun: So don't die. Drinking that garbage isn't gonna keep you alive, is it? Capt. Glass: What is? SSgt. Eddie Dohun: What is? Well, not gettin' shot. Capt. G...
Marty McFly: [referring to Alternate 1985 Biff] How could he be your husband? How could you leave dad for him? Old Lorraine: Leave dad? Marty, are you feeling all right? Marty McFly: [shouting] No! No I'm not feeling all right! I don't understand one...
Homer Parrish: I didn't see much of the war... I was stationed in a repair shop below decks. Oh, I was in plenty of battles, but I never saw a Jap or heard a shell coming at me. When we were sunk, all I know is there was a lot of fire and explosions....
Mr. Mollett: Say, uh, do you mind if I ask you a personal question? Homer Parrish: I know what it is. How did I get these hooks and how do they work? That's what everybody says when they start off, "Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?" Well...