Strangers he gulls, but friends make fun of him.
Human Prejudice is Dark Fate's favourite friend
The only exercise I take is walking behind the coffins of friends who took exercise.
Loneliness is remedied at times with the company of a friend and at other times with the company of oneself.
People first become friends, and then they love each other.
The only reward of virtue is virtue; the only way to have a friend is to be one.
Better be a nettle in the side of your friend than his echo.
You're basically killing each other to see who's got the better imaginary friend.
And when all your faith is gone let it be me, if it's a friend you need let it be me
A friend is long sought, hardly found, and with difficulty kept.
The difference for me is I just don't sleep on friends' couches anymore.
Concept changes but not the style we favour, friends changes but not a choices.
Each new friend gives rise to the possibility of anything!
If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?
Be a friend to thyself, and others will be so too.
A cat will be your friend, but never your slave.
Here's one thing I can't understand: people who are friends with their exes.
I own nothing; I just stay with friends all over the country.
A lot of young kids like myself use Instagram because it has swag - it's more personal, and your friends generate it.
Friends show their true colors in times of need; and not in times of happiness.
It's nice to just be a kid and hang out with your friends at lunch.