Life should be full of- Compassion, Peace, Companionship, Honor, Love, Honesty, Joy, Rapture, Euphoria, Friendship, Family, Spiritual Enrichment, Enlightenment, Trust, Truth, Loyalty, Passion, Cultural Enrichment, Unity, Serenity, Zen, Wonder, Respec...
Men are easily threatened. And whenever a man is threatened, when he becomes uncomfortable in places within himself that he does not understand, he naturally retreats into an arena of comfort or competence, or he dominates someone or something in ord...
It is through our communion with the Holy Spirit that we are able to apprehend the things that God has given us, through our union with Jesus Christ. If you haven’t taken the time to invite Him in, I advise you to do so now . Begin by seeking God s...
You don't have to be a channel for every free choice denied. Every porcelain bride with no property rights, you don't have to prove you can fight like a man, leave the screaming to the lesbians! Feminism is an outdated word, but see there’s still n...
Burst pipes were an English tradition, like so many others. Like, for instance, English men. Charm the knickers off you with their mellow vowels and frivolous verbiage, and then, once they'd got them off, panic and run. Or else stay and whinge. The E...
Which is probably one of the reasons those of us who love contemporary fiction love it as we do. We’re alone with it. It arrives without references, without credentials we can trust. Givers of prizes (not to mention critics) do the best they can, b...
Under the leadership of religious professionals, modern worship has become passive—listening to a message and singing some songs. Seldom is there a call to service or an invitation to trust Christ. Baptisms take place inside the church where it is ...
If there is a place in heaven for Labrador Retrievers (and I trust there is or I won't go) it'll have to have a brook right smack in the middle - a brook with little thin shoals for wading and splashing; a brook with deep, still pools where they can ...
I would never speak about faith, but speak about the Lord himself - not theologically, as to the why and wherefore of his death - but as he showed himself in his life on earth, full of grace, love, beauty, tenderness and truth. Then the needy heart c...
A Paradise for you and me Trust, true love to guide us free Loneliness shall not fill the day I will forever be with you Our Love is beautiful like the sunshine lighting the way Your gentle feel Your caring hands There is no doubt in your soul No eer...
The wonderment found in the act of obedience is in the transformation power it holds. We become new creations the minute we are born again, through our spiritual rebirth. However, sanctification takes a lifetime. Believers must continually strive to ...
Seth Brundle: You have to leave now, and never come back here. Have you ever heard of insect politics? Neither have I. Insects... don't have politics. They're very... brutal. No compassion, no compromise. We can't trust the insect. I'd like to become...
Ron: [Harry and Ron arrive late to Transfiguration, relieved that Professor McGonagall isn't there yet] Whew, made it. Can you imagine the look on old McGonagall's face if we were late? [the cat sitting at the head of the class suddenly transforms in...
[Frank Drebin walks through town] Frank: [narrating] The attempt on Nordberg's life left me shaken and disturbed, and all the questions kept coming up over and over again, like bubbles in a case of club soda. Who was this character in the hospital? A...
[while the Falcon is fleeing from Imperial fighters, and R2-D2 is stitching C-3PO back together] C-3PO: Noisy brute. Why don't we just go to lightspeed? R2-D2: [beeps] C-3PO: We can't? How would you know the hyperdrive is deactivated? R2-D2: [beeps] ...
Mrs. Lovett: [continues singing] No denying times is hard, sir - / Even harder than the worst pies in London. / Only lard and nothing more - / Is that just revolting? / All greasy and gritty, / It looks like it's molting, / And tastes like - / Well, ...
Princess Leia Organa: No! Alderaan is peaceful! We have no weapons, you can't possibly... Governor Tarkin: [impatiently] You would prefer another target, a military target? Then name the system! I grow tired of asking this so it will be the last time...
Sarah Connor: Tell me about my son. Kyle Reese: He's about my height. He has your eyes. Sarah Connor: What's he like? Kyle Reese: You trust him. He's got a strength. I'd die for John Connor. Sarah Connor: Well... at least now I know what to name him....
Briony Tallis, aged 13: The princess was well aware of his remorseless wickedness. But that made it no easier to overcome the voluminous love she felt in her heart for Sir Romulus. The princess knew instinctively that the one with red hair was not to...
Natasha Romanoff: [on the phone] Where is Barton now? Agent Phil Coulson: We don't know. Natasha Romanoff: But he's alive? Agent Phil Coulson: We think so. I'll brief you on everything when you get back. But first, we need you to talk to the big guy....
This, then, is held to be the duty of the man of wealth: To set an example of modest, unostentatious living, shunning display or extravagance; to provide moderately for the legitimate wants of those dependent on him; and, after doing so, to consider ...