The intellect of man is forced to choose Perfection of the life, or of the work And if it take the second must refuse A heavenly mansion, raging in the dark.
Being a mother must be the saddest yet the most hopeful thing in the world, falling into a love that, once started, would never end.
A well-made salad must have a certain uniformity; it should make perfect sense for those ingredients to share a bowl.
The cost to reconnect animals to live in natural settings without human support is a debt that many animals in transition must honor with their lives.
Islam and Sufism are one. Teaching that to understand Islam one must be a lover, how can one understand Islam when the heart is empty of love.
You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win.
If you want to reach a goal, you must 'see the reaching' in your own mind before you actually arrive at your goal.
Labor must work harder to attract and retain members. The party should be cheaper to join with discounted rates available for union members as well as for students, pensioners, and people out of work.
There is no doubt that now, more than ever, we must work to end our dependence on foreign oil sources. But we cannot do so by ignoring the wishes of the coastal communities that oppose drilling.
The modern artist must live by craft and violence. His gods are violent gods. Those artists, so called, whose work does not show this strife, are uninteresting.
A lot of people think theatre must be much harder work than film, but anything histrionic or superfluous gets seen on camera so you have to work to distil it into a complete sense of what's true.
However much a president wishes it, a national problem cannot be knocked out with a single punch. A president must work with the problem as much as against it, turn it into a solution if she can.
We have control over the work of our hands, but little over the working of the soul. But yet we must yield to it, for without it we have nothing.
You can know a person by the kind of desk he keeps. If the president of a company has a clean desk then it must be the executive vice president who is doing all the work.
Any cut to Pell Grants means low-income must take out additional loans or work longer hours - risk factors that increase their odds of dropping out of school.
Each novel is harder than its predecessor because I must work harder at not repeating myself. However, I enjoy the challenge. This is the greatest job in the world.
To remain a credible leader, I must always work first, hardest, and longest on changing myself. This is neither easy nor natural, but it is essential.
We must work to ensure that the Nevada Cancer Institute continues to receive the dollars necessary to make it a vibrant source of research and clinical assistance for cancer victims throughout the state of Nevada and the nation.
A classical work doesn't ever have to be understood entirely. But those who are educated and who are still educating themselves must desire to learn more and more from it.
Out of labor's struggle in Arizona came better conditions for the workers, who must everywhere, at all times, under advantage and disadvantage work out their own salvation.
As elected leaders, we must each recommit ourselves to work together toward putting our country on a prosperous, sustainable path and restoring America's promise as a land of opportunity.