The world is not your enemy; you are.
Where there is Love, there is Peace.
Books make my world complete.
The dead only knows their world.
We are in the world to support one another.
Pain was a fascinating horror
Iraq is just a symbol of the attitude of western democracies to the rest of the world.
Exposure from a young age to the realities of the world is a super-big thing.
Filming is a very adult world, and you need to be with people your own age.
The world is a tougher place to live in than it was back then, as we come into the computer age.
No nation can meet the world's challenges alone.
I really do believe that art changes the landscape of the world.
In this world, you have to die to find peace.
Books crowbar the world open for you.
If anything was, that the world will always--it can only--disappoint.
It goes on, this world, stupid and brutal. But I do not. I do not.
The world is mere change, and this life, opinion.
...when the pain subsides the grief remains.
Absence of proof is not proof of absence
All the time she writing the world had continued.