Gandhi: I am a Muslim and a Hindu and a Christian and a Jew and so are all of you.
Islam is not a religion of peace. Islam is a religion of war, and most Muslims don't understand the true nature of Islam.
I'd like Muslims to look at their religion as a set of beliefs that they can appraise critically and pick and choose from.
All too many Muslims fail to grasp Islam, which teaches one to be lenient towards others and to understand their value systems, knowing that these are tolerated by Islam as a religion.
The most likely victim of actual religious discrimination in British society is a Muslim, but the person who is most likely to feel slighted because of their religion is an evangelical Christian.
I'm a modern Muslim. I pray, and if I have a question, I ask someone who is more educated in the religion than me.
Muslim leaders should ask themselves what exactly their relationship is to a political movement that encourages young men to kill and maim on religious grounds.
I was a Muslim once, remember, and it was when I was most devout that I was most full of hate.
I am a Muslim Arab, in my actions oriented very to the left, in my convictions.
My country, France, my homeland, my land is again invaded by an overpopulation of foreigners, especially Muslims.
'Khalifa' is Arabic, it means successor, leader, shining light. My granddad is Muslim and he gave me that name.
It is only in the fundamentalist religions that women are relegated to second class. Radical Evangelicals, Muslims, and Jews all have the same view of women.
At age 11, I went to a Jewish school. I speak Yiddish. I'm Church of England Protestant. My father was Catholic, and my mother was Protestant. My wife is a Muslim.
Unlike the United Kingdom or the Commonwealth, the umma, or Muslim community, has no symbolic leader, let alone a formal one.
Jk kita kaum muslim benar2 memahami &scr sungguh2 melaksanakan ajaran islam,pastilah kita mjd para demokrat dan sosialis sejati
I think there has been a lack of full cooperation from too many people in the Muslim community.
The nicest characters in 'A Week in December' are, in fact, Muslims - and their religious devotion is one of the things that defines them.
Chechens are Muslim, and some share the belief that the West is engaged in a global campaign against Islam.
Dissensions between Muslim nations run at least as deep, if not deeper, than those nations' resentment of the West.
The Muslim population in India is, largely speaking, not radicalised. From the beginning, they were always very secular-minded.
All I wanted with that film was to represent the possibility that there might be normal people who are Muslim or Arab with the same fears, responsibilities, hopes.