As long as there are people trying to play music in a sincere way, there will be some jazz.
It's very demanding to make up your own music.
I spend a lot of time doing watercolors and playing music in my apartment.
If I can impact people with my music, that's what I want.
I don't have the same access or time to gain access to music the way I used to.
I want to reach as many people as possible with the message of music, of wonderful opera.
Myspace was always a bit edgy. People identified it with edginess and music.
The only sort of descriptive adjective or catch phrase for my music would be 'eclectic.'
I always feel like music should be a universal language.
I don't write poems and put them to music. Just let things flow.
Record covers helped me discover a lot of music that I wasn't aware of.
When I was 15, I did not know nothing about what concerned the world of music.
Music is about listening, the more you play, the more the magic spreads.
I actually prefer soothing music - and maybe that's the skater in me.
I am for sure a redhead and there aren't that many of us out there in music.
Music, I feel, must be emotional first and intellectual second.
The music that I hate the most is R&B.
The bottom line is, I tend to be going back to older and older music.
We learned pretty early on in this band that you can't have snobbery in music.
My music is really about people connecting with their identities, even if they aren't Jewish.
I have known the fruits of strikes. The bitter and the sweet. Hunger and music.