To perceive Christmas through its wrapping becomes more difficult with every year. "The Distant Music of the Hounds," 1954
Holy fellatio! You are standing there licking him up with your eyes! Do you freaking hear the old seventies porn music playing in your head?
There is music in my heart. There is art in my heart and there is majesty in my heart, because there is love in my heart!
I don't know notes or octaves or the difference between sharp and flat, but I know music makes everything more.
Love songs or poetry? Ambrose: Love songs–you get the best of both, poetry set to music. And you can't dance to poetry.
I barely know how to be with someone when I’m whole. How the hell am I supposed to be with you when I’m so fucking broken?
Tax not so bad a voice to slander music any more than once.
I'm not lazy. I'm just really gifted, only instead of being good at music or math I'm good at sleeping late.
I listen'd, motionless and still; And, as I mounted up the hill, The music in my heart I bore, Long after it was heard no more.
There is simply no limit to the tyrannical snobbery that otherwise decent people can descend into when it comes to music.
Music is pleasing not only because of the sound but because of the silence that is in it: without the alternation of sound and silence there would be no rhythm.
... people made the imaginary real all the time: taking the music they heard in their head and recording it, seeing a house in their imagination and building it. Fantasy was always only a reality waiting to be switched on.
Music was a balm for any weary soul. It could either lift a person out of the doldrums or comfort him if there was no other solace to be had.
Music could do that, create a magical oasis where nothing else mattered except hearing the next line of the score.
You are my reality, fantasy, daydream, fairytale, music, more than the princess in Cinderella; you are much more than a traditional myth.
The harbour of influence is richer in the cemeteries where people are buried with their music on their tongues unsung. Don't leave your potentials untouched!
Leaders do not die with their music on their tongues unsung. They provide services that make them unleash their God-given potentials!
Music and symbols, they're older than human race. Prehuman beings used them to teach early mankind.
Human speech is like a cracked kettle on which we tap crude rhythms for bears to dance to, while we long to make music that will melt the stars.
Hello, Mary.' It was like hearing a note of divine calm after a dissonant passage of music. My confusion died away.
Strange where our passions carry us, floggingly pursue us, forcing upon us unwanted dreams, unwelcome destinies.