the blasé religiosity of most…teenagers is not the result of poor communication but the result of excellent communication of a watered-down gospel so devoid of God’s self-giving love in Jesus Christ, so immune to the sending love of the Holy Spi...
Previous generations used to eat locally out of necessity. Without options like flash-freezing and worldwide export services, communities had to rely on local farms for all of their meals. In many ways, this was beneficial. People ate fresh, seasonal...
I think of some of my friends who have passed to the spirit world but are who here with me when I go to events and when I walk in my own community. My sisters, Ingred, my sister Marsha, and my sister Nielock. All cofounders of the Indigenous Women's ...
Fashion shows are really my way of communication.
There will be no communism.
I'm a musical theater aficionado, a.k.a. loser.
Music is love. Music is always about love.
I've found that musical theater is my passion.
Sondheim is the Shakespeare of the musical theater world.
As long as it's good music, that's what's important.
I make good music for long journeys.
I love house music. I love all music.
I've always had a love of country music.
I wanted to be on Broadway, but in musical comedy.
I'd love to do a musical one day - a theatre musical.
I love pop music. Who doesn't?
Holland is to dance music what Nashville is to country.
Country music has to evolve in order to survive.
I care about writing music and playing my music.
Happy music doesn't tend to move me much.
I was introduced to country music around a campfire on a farm.