'The Rocky Horror Show' was actually my first musical love.
I do love the music aspect of the Internet. The Internet made me.
I don't regret any of the musical decisions I have made.
May the music rock and the guys be hot
The earth has music for those who listen.
I'm not much of a musical-goer; they don't really appeal to me.
Texas is where I found my musical self.
There are two kinds of success. One is musical or artistic and the other is commercial.
I play guitar and I love the Beatles and melodic music.
I respect music, I do. I love it.
Choreography is mentally draining, but there's a pleasure in getting into the studio with the dancers and the music.
I respect very much my public and also the music I perform.
Music as a social conduit has always been important to me.
My darlings, if I can't write dark, epic music, I can't live!
I finally wasn't interested in writing music that played while actors talked.
Yes, the audience is so important to Negro music, especially the element of call and response.
I always like to get local music when I'm in another country.
I'm just a product of my environment, and it comes out in the music.
You know I used to listen to music a lot more.
Nature has always been important to me. It has always been in my music.
I organized Sweet Honey In The Rock in 1973. The music was sanity and balance.