Success is the understanding, release and maximization of capacity.
It is the age of ambition that proves the mettle of men
Faith, the least exclusive club on Earth, has the craftiest doorman.
All of my brothers and sisters are very talented. They all sang all right.
Every day I pray about all I do.
I am never angry, although sometimes distressed.
It's very difficult to keep the line between the past and the present.
I knew there were a lot of friends out there, and I wanted to be with them.
I was definitely very much a country boy.
I got three whippings a day from my mama.
It is not the size of the dog in the fight that counts, but the size of the fight in the dog.
The trouble with boxing is that too often it ends in sadness.
Sometimes I snore, like when I get really tired.
Para esta gente nova o que faz falta é a orem e a disciplina e um bom bocado de vitalidade.
We were very fortunate that the carriers weren't in the harbor.
Destroyers did not have chaplains because they were too small.
Perhaps the world's second-worst crime is boredom; the first is being a bore.
Hope is faith holding out its hand in the dark.
Always do everything you ask of those you command.
They finally achieve a sort of outward-facing union.
With Spotify, people don't get it until they try it. Then they tell their friends.