I had turned my anxiety into my profession.
I always put my boxing first.
I got a big mouth.
Gracefulness is to the body what understanding is to the mind.
I'm a better husband and father than I was a killer.
I've got two places I like to be. Portugal is one.
It's important to put all I have into my career.
My pamphlet did not set the Torrens on fire.
As a rule, governments monitor people.
People get a kick out of my stupidity.
My lips, I've used collagen. I line my lips with collagen.
Gullibility is a knife at the throat of civilization.
I couldn't hit an elephant's ass with a bull fiddle.
Better to fight for something than live for nothing.
Cars, furs, and gems were not my weaknesses.
There's a foot race between gas bills and paychecks.
We are really the victims of our own problems.
I am - and have always been - a Methodist.
The media cause more problems than they do good.
Of course the orders all converge backward in time, to different degrees.
Otto: I'm, uh, Harvey. Manfred... jen... sen... den.