But I will tell you in all honesty that there is no Deity or Messiah, no Jesus or Muhammad, no angel or mythical spirit who can save you. Not even Buddha can save you, even if he or any of the other spirits wished it with all of their might, for your...
Wenn Imam Ali ibn 'Alawi "Assalamu 'alaika ayyuhan-nabiyyu wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh!" sagte, so hörte er den Propheten (der Frieden und Salah gelten ihm) antworten: "Wa 'alaikumus-salam!" Der Imam wiederholte dann den Friedensgruß, bis er den P...
Në fund të shekullit të tetëmbëdhjetë dhe në fillim të shekullit të nëntëmbëdhjetë, Ali Pashë Tepelena kishte komandant të trupave një shqiptar me emrin Thanas Vaja… Ky shqiptar trim i përkiste kishës “ortodokse”. Thanas Vaja,...
..Pamanku yang berjiwa lapang dan merupakan umat Nabi Muhammad yang amat pemurah, menyediakan kopi miskin dalam menu warungnya. Sesekali, secara diam-diam, pamanku menyuruh kami menambahkan gula untuk kopi miskin, karena ia tak sampai hati pada kaum ...
Ako nisam kriv, onda su pogriješili, zatvorili su nedužna čovjeka. Ako me puste, priznaće svoju grešku, a to nije ni lako ni korisno. Niko pametan ne može od njih tražiti da rade protiv sebe. Zahtjev bi bio nestvaran, i smiješan. Onda ja mora...
Život nije otporan na veliku temperaturu. Zbog toga sam došao do zaključka da najuznemireniji ljudi, sa unutrašnjim dinamizmom dovedeni do paroksizma, koji ne mogu prihvatiti uobičajenu temperaturu, moraju propasti. To je aspekt životnog demoni...
Era a primeira vez que Sam via uma passagem de um combate de Homens contra Homens, e não lhe tinha agradado muito. Sentiu-se grato por não poder ver o rosto do morto. Perguntou a si mesmo como se chamaria o homem e donde teria vindo, se era realmen...
Aladdin: They wanna make me Sultan. No, they wanna make Prince Ali Sultan. Without you, I'm just Aladdin. Genie: Al, you won! Aladdin: Because of you. The only reason anyone thinks I'm worth anything is because of you. What if they find out I'm not r...
So I asked Dr Ceric if he thought there was a conflict between European values and Islam. ‘Not at all,’ he said. ‘Respect for other religions lies at the heart of Islam. And the principle of democracy is even anchored in Islam.’ When I looked...
This Jesus of Nazereth without money and arms, conquered more millions than Alexander, Caeser, Muhammad and Napoleon; without science and learning, He shed more light on matters human and divine than all philosophers and scholars combined; without th...
What - what was I doing the whole time?" So much for Alis's warning. Lucien let out a sharp breath, running a hand through his red hair. "He had you dance for him for most of the night. And when you weren't dancing, you were sitting in his lap." "Wha...
Imam 'Ali Zayn al-'Abidin (Sohn von Imam Husayn; möge Allah mit ihnen zufrieden sein), wurde beim Eintreten ins Gebet blass und begann zu zittern. Als er nach dem Grund gefragt wurde, antwortete er: "Wisst ihr denn nicht, Wem ich gleich gegenüber s...
My dear Mrs. Ali, I would hardly refer to you as old," he said. "You are in what I would call the very prime flowering of mature womanhood." It was a little grandiose but he hoped to surprise a blush. Instead she laughed out loud at him. "I have neve...
Ali Bosna nije ono što cula odmah prime s njenih boja i oblika. Slušaj što cu ti reci! Bosna je najdubljikazan pakla. Ona je lošim putem, tvrdom navikom i neizljecivom sumnjom zatvorena za rijeke 1jepotakoje su drugi 1judi stvorili, a svojim polo...
Dona Laura, ao ver a casa encher-se de bocas - e pressentido que isso de golpes de Estado era coisa para levar o seu tempo -, apressou-se, de faca e alguidar, em direcção às capoeiras, donde regressou com as duas primeiras vítimas da revolução....
It is a great shame for anyone to listen to the accusation that Islam is a lie and that Muhammad was a fabricator and a deceiver. We saw that he remained steadfast upon his principles, with firm determination; kind and generous, compassionate, pious,...
Religion, which was obviously created to give meaning and purpose to people, has become part of the oppression. This is true in both Eastern and Western religious traditions. The Buddha, Jesus and Muhammad were all revolutionaries who critiqued and a...
I'm a spiritual person, she said. "I believe in Allah, you know, though I don't always call It 'Allah' and I pray the way I want to pray. Sometimes I just look out at the stars and this love-fear thing comes over me, you know? And sometimes I might s...
Terás então de ler doutra maneira, Como, Não serve a mesma para todos, cada um inventa a sua, a que lhe for própria, há quem leve a vida inteira a ler sem nunca ter conseguido ir mais além da leitura, ficam pegados à página, não percebem que...
Proclamava-se ali o fim do mundo, a salvação penitencial, a visão do sétimo dia, o advento do anjo, a colisão cósmica, a extinção do sol, o espírito da tribo, a seiva da mandrágora, o unguento do tigre, a virtude do signo, a disciplina do v...
The rejection of Western democracy derives from the same rejection of secularism but was further sharpened by the Saudi Arabian establishment’s aversion to democracy’s subversive streak and the threat it posed to the Saudi monarchy if unleashed. ...