The God of Christians raped mother of his messenger according to their manifest; later, their followers’ burned and tortured women like their fellow delusional God. The God of Muhammad hated women; he considered them half of man and his followers w...
#sufism created community in every age and era since the time of Prophet Muhammad, upon whom be peace, to whom all sufis look as inspiration, role model and guide. The sufis were able to have a immense impact on the societies in which they functioned...
If someone who is poor says, 'I may not have much money, but for me, what's really important is to have a good television so my family can enjoy and watch,' we should be a little careful and recognize that just like we all have individual liberty to ...
Megaupload was a dual-use technology. You can use it for good things, and you can use it for bad things. If someone sends something illegal in an envelope through your postal service, you don't shut down the post office. If someone speeds with the ca...
What we're talking about is the price of goods, all goods, in terms of money. That has nothing to do with unemployment, except for the fact that you get fewer goods. And when you have more money and fewer goods, the amount of dollars per good goes up...
The Book revealed to Muhammad is one and unique of its kind. It has left indelible impression on the hearts of humanity. Nothing can overcome its majesty. The Quran has given new dimensions to human thinking - Surprising reforms, stunning success! Th...
Miracles are commonplace in religious scripture. Our ancient ancestors are said to have felt Jesus' wounds, verified Muhammad's ascent to heaven, and even interacted with their respective deities directly. Today, believers have no such luxury. They a...
He was gorgeous, and I absolutely, no question, had to be drooling. After a quick and hopefully stealthy check – big show, I wasn’t!- I found myself wonder what color his eyes were. Brown maybe. Or even hazel. Either way…wow, just wow. Deer? He...
Dan je.... samo bijela hartija, na kojoj se sve biljezi i ispisuje.... a racun se placa nocu.. na velikim, mracnim poljima nesanice. Ali tu se sve rijesava i brise... konacno i nepovratno.. Svaka preboljena patnja, nestaje tu kao rijeka ponornica ili...
Dawn's Spawn: Cause and Effect Criticizing the next generation reflects on us. We hold the power to carve out good citizens who will take over the planet and wrest control from us. Step up with your hammer and chisel to create a defined character. Gi...
In 2007, my life changed forever. I signed on 'Tashan,' a full-on glamorous masala movie, with two of the hottest and fittest actors around: Akshay Kumar and Saif Ali Khan. And me, rising out of the sea like a Bond girl, wearing nothing but a green b...
Philosopher, orator, apostle, legislator, warrior, conqueror of ideas, restorer of rational dogmas, of a cult without images, the founder of twenty terrestrial empires and of one spiritual empire: that is MUHAMMAD. As regards all the standards by whi...
Sukarno seorang diri, Gandhi seorang diri, bahkan para nabi seperti Isa dan Muhammad pun seorang diri. Para bijak seperti Lao Tze dan Siddharta juga seorang diri. Namun, merekalah yang mengubah dan membuat sejarah.
Charles Darwin and I and you broke off from the family tree from chimpanzees about five million years ago. They're still our closest genetic kin. We share 98.8 percent of the genes. We share more genes with them than zebras do with horses. And we're ...
I am quite international. My background, born in Turkey. My family is a Jewish family from Iran, so I went from Turkey to Iran to Israel, and then grew up in Italy and ended up in U.S. for graduate school. So I tend to look at things from an internat...
Sve bi se u životu moglo izdržati za kratko, i da budeš dobar, i hrabar, i pažljiv, ali život ne traje kratko, a ništa ne može postati teško kao obaveza koju sam sebi nametneš u jednom času slabosti ili oduševljenja. Stid te da odustaneš,...
Vaša ljepota ostavlja me hladnim. Ne mislite da se pretvaram. Moja je duša puna boli i bio bih sretan da je kod vas mogu načas zaboraviti. Ali, vidite, mene se vaša ljepota ne doima. Ja nisam tu, kod vas, moja je svaka misao drugdje, moj svaki ku...
Ništa nije strašnije, kaže žena, nego kada upitaš nekoga da li te voli, a onda na njegovom licu ugledaš izraz takve dosade da bi najradije zaboravila da postojiš. Ali pitanje je već postavljeno, reči vise u vazduhu kao opran veš i preostaje...
What I saw next stopped me dead in my tracks. Books. Not just one or two dozen, but hundreds of them. In crates. In piles on the floor. In bookcases that stretched from floor to ceiling and lined the entire room. I turned around and around in a slow ...
Nece biti manje dosadno ako napisem da je dosadno i velika smisla ne vidim u ovom, ali oko mene je tako pusto i prazno da je nuzno da nacinim bezutjesnu konstataciju, samo konstataciju:da sam bio i zivio i da mi je bilo neizmjerno dosadno.
And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed.) KID, YOU'LL MOVE MOUNTAINS! So... be your name Buxbaum or Bixby or Bray or Mordecai Ali Van Allen O'Shea, you're off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is wa...