Konačno, to je pitanje ljubavi, a ljubav je složena od brojnih stvari: naših želja i naše usamljenosti, naših uzvišenih ciljeva i naših mana, naše snage i naše slabosti. Tako je bilo i sa mnom. Islam je ušao u mene. Šutke i potajno, ali -...
Casey doesn't trust him." "Casey doesn't trust anyone," I replied. "He's paranoid like that. I mean, come on, he's a werewolf who installed a nanny cam in his kids' room." I pointed my spoon at Ali for emphasis. "A nanny cam.
Haji Ali taught me to...slow down and make building relationships as important as building projects.
Bin Laden always wanted to get rid of Mubarek and Ben Ali and Gaddafi and so on, claiming that they were all infidels working for America, and in fact, it was millions of ordinary people who peacefully, more or less - certainly in the case of Tunisia...
Prince Feisal: Gasim's time has come, Lawrence. It is written. T.E. Lawrence: Nothing is written. Sherif Ali: You will not be at Aqaba, English! Go back, blasphemer... but you will not be at Aqaba! T.E. Lawrence: I shall be at Aqaba. That, IS written...
Sherif Ali: There is the railway. And that is the desert. From here until we reach the other side, no water but what we carry with us. For the camels, no water at all. If the camels die, we die. And in twenty days they will start to die. T.E. Lawrenc...
[Genie is trying to organize an appropriate mode of transport for "Prince Ali" aka Aladdin and puts Abu the monkey through a series of transformations] Genie: [finally... ] Yes! Esalalumbo shimin Dumbo! [he turns Abu into an elephant] Genie: Talk abo...
Ali sigurno razumije. Sigurno zna da se dogodilo nezamislivo, i da će preživljavanje iziskivati nekad nezamislive poteze. Jer više sati kasnije, kad se probudim u svom krevetu, na mjesečini vidim da je i on ondje. Šćućurio se pokraj mene, žut...
One suggestion my wife and I have used in our personal finance courses we teach at college is simply writing down all expenditures and seeing where the money goes. That alone will cause heads of households to think twice about x, y or z expenditure, ...
...mencintai itu, kadang mengumpulkan segala tabiat menyebalkan dari seseorang yang engkau cintai, memakinya, merasa tak sanggup lagi menjadi yang terbaik untuk dirinya, dan berpikir tak ada lagi jalan kembali, tapi tetap saja engkau tak sanggup bena...
Muhammad was not yet establishing a new religion; he was calling for sweeping social reforms. He was not yet preaching monotheism; he was demanding economic justice.
Tuhan ingin menyampaikan risalah kepada manusia. Untuk itu Tuhan mengirim Rasul-rasul dan Nabi Muhammad adalah salah satu dari Rasul-rasul itu. Risalah yang ingin disampaikan Tuhan ialah norma-norma akhlak dan syariat.
In our personal lives, we have a lot of businesses going on. I have a profession, I'm a father, a spouse, a good member of my community. How much of my time and energy can I allocate to each of those things? What I allocate becomes the strategy I hav...
If you have a private firm and you spend a ton of money to pay employees, but what you produce is a flop, there will be no value to GDP. But government spending all gets counted as contributing to economic growth. That's why in the early days of crea...
Here at home, President Obama early on made the connection between growth and economic opportunity for women. In the depths of our crisis in 2009, one of the first laws the president signed was the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. He established an Equa...
I would argue that education, actual learning - it is hard work. It's very personal. Your parents don't teach you anything. Your teachers don't teach you anything. The government doesn't teach you anything. You read it. You don't understand it; you r...
While no Muslim worthy of his name would lose his respect for God, the Prophet Muhammad, and other symbols of Islam, he might well refrain from using legal prosecution or violent reaction to those who do not show the same respect. My basis for this c...
Nostalgia por saber que muito provavelmente nunca mais regressaria ali. Esta constatação confrontava-me com os limites da minha própria existência, com aquilo que não terei tempo de fazer ou voltar a fazer ao longo do resto da minha vida.
There is no Jesus without Judas, no Martin Luther King, Jr., without the Klan; no Ali without Joe Frazier; no freedom without tyranny. No wisdom exists that does not include perspective. Relativity is the greatest gift.
My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world's most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular level.
Certainly the shahadah contained an important theological innovation, but that innovation was not monotheism. With this simple profession of faith, Muhammad was declaring to Mecca that the God of the heavens and the earth required no intermediate wha...