{ } I do so wish, that, in all these big questions, literary men would take more for a guide than they do, or seem to do. You have, of course, an immense constituency; but your love of letters and your deeply poetic spirit render you worthy of a far ...
I used disbelieve in fate, but now I realize that it exists. I still do not believe that it is written in somewhere by any supernatural being. It is our brain, our fate is hidden in our brain. We cannot do anything in strict sense of term, our brain ...
Fortunately the essence of this revelation did not escape Mary despite the angel's obscure speech, and, much surprised, she asked him, So Jesus is my son and the son of the Lord, Woman, what are you saying, show some respect for rank and precedence, ...
know. It’s all wrong. By rights we shouldn’t even be here. But we are. (stands, leans against a wall, looking out into the distance) It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. ...
But I look into her eyes and she looks into my eyes and we recognize it—the excitement of being here, the excitement of being now. And maybe I’m realizing what a part of it she is and maybe she’s realizing what a part of it I am, because sudden...
Today you are encouraged to take action. Thinking and doing are two very different things. Success never comes to look for you while you wait around thinking about it. You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do. Knowledge is basically useless ...
Otto Meyer: I wish I knew what they're going to do to us. But no matter what happens to us... [to Captain Culpeper] Otto Meyer: what happens to you, I hope will be worse! Capt. T.G. Culpeper: I don't think you have to worry too much about that. My wi...
Louis: [exhales smoke, heavy coughing] Melanie: You ok? Louis: Just... gettin' old. [continues coughing] Louis: Seems I can't smoke all that now without coughing. Melanie: Coughing's good! It opens up the capillaries. You know, when you cough you're ...
Tommy: This is amazing! John Reilly: Hello! It's been a long time! Nokes: Who the fuck are you guys? [John and Tommy each pull up a chair and sit down at Nokes' table] Nokes: Hey, who the fuck asked you to sit down? Tommy: I thought you'd be happy to...
Mercedes: Is Viscount Torville dead? Fernand: Well, unless his heart is situated somewhere other than the left side of his chest, I suspect he is. Mercedes: [choking up, and making the sign of the cross] God grant him peace. He did no more than defen...
Randal Graves: All right, look, there's only one "Return," okay, and it ain't "of the King," it's "of the Jedi." Hobbit Lover: Oh, Star Wars geek. Randal Graves: Oh, I'm the geek? Look at you two whipping out your preciouses. Elias: You'll have to ex...
Rick: Fuck! Why do these guys have to be black? I mean, why? No matter how we spin this thing, I'm either gonna lose the black vote or I'm gonna lose the law and order vote! Karen: You know, I think you're worrying too much. You have a lot of support...
Dr. Arnim Zola: HYDRA was founded on the belief that humanity could not be trusted with its own freedom. What we did not realize was that if you tried to take that freedom, they resist. The war taught us much. Humanity needed to surrender its freedom...
Steve Rogers: [in an elevator] You know, they used to play music. Nick Fury: Yeah. My grandfather operated one of these things for forty years. My granddad - worked in a nice building, he got good tips. He'd walk home every night, roll of ones stuffe...
Tony Wendice: How about coming with me to a stag party? Mark Halliday: A stag party? Tony Wendice: Yes, some American boys have been playing tennis all over the country. We're giving them a sort of farewell dinner. Mark Halliday: Sounds great, but I'...
Mother Sister: Hey, you old drunk, what did I tell you about drinking in front of my stoop? Move on; you're blocking my view. You are ugly enough; don't stare at me. The evil eye doesn't work on me. Da Mayor: Mother Sister, you've been talkin' about ...
Mothershead: Sir! I don't quite... I don't quite understand why it is you allow that sort of people in there. Dr. Frederick Treves: Why? Because he enjoys it, and I think it's very good for him. Mothershead: Yes, but, sir, you saw the expression on t...
Host-TV: Quite a story, yes? Any questions for Edward? Yeah, get way over. Stand right up. Audience Member #1: What's been the best part of your new life here in town? Edward: The friends I made. Host-TV: Any other questions? Audience Member #2: Have...
[Brundle sits at a table full of junk food, and explains his altered digestive system to Veronica and her videocamera] Seth Brundle: How does Brundlefly eat? Well, he found out the hard and painful way that he eats very much the way a fly eats. His t...
Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: [voice over, as we see Markinson putting on his full class A dress uniform. It is his suicide note] Dear Mr. and Mrs. Santiago, I was William's executive officer. I knew your son vaguely, which is to say I knew his ...
Dory: [about the humpback whale] Maybe he only speaks whale. [slowly and deeply, imitating the whale] Dory: Mooo... Weeee neeeed... Marlin: Dory? Dory: ...tooo fiiind hiiis sooon. Marlin: What are you doing? Are you sure you speak whale? Dory: Caaaan...