I want to keep on the move, keep stimulated and challenged.
Politics is marginal, but literature moves along by indirection.
Faith moves mountains. Religion strip-mines them.
To achieve greatness it simply starts with self-belief.
Reducing the price of cancer drugs is a humanitarian move.
One wrong move and everyone judges you .
Laughter and joy are part of the beauty of life.
Underwriting is probably the smallest part of our business.
Pleasure does not equal happiness; it's part of happiness.
I won a great giant slalom in Japan last week, and it gave me momentum for this final part of the season.
Music was important. Football was the easy part.
Parts win prizes, not actors.
Even knowing that my presence brought a shadow over the lives of my loved ones, I can't regret the experiences I've had with them. They gave me life, becoming an integral part of my soul. They healed me when I was broken and somehow they recovered th...
Night was a very different matter. It was dense, thicker than the very walls, and it was empty, so black, so immense that within it you could brush against appalling things and feel roaming and prowling around a strange, mysterious horror.
Killing is decreed by law but nature loves eternal youth. Whatever she does, however unconscious and unfeeling the act, she seems to cry out: ‘Quick! Quick! Quick!’ And the more she destroys, the more she is renewed.
Oh, loe nggak perlu cemas. Meski para siswa di sini tidak begitu agamis, malah banyak yang terancam agnostik, tapi tak ada seorang pun yang terlalu kafir untuk beriman kepada Lucha Grande. Lagipula, siapa sih yang mau memiliki tuhan berwujud pegulat ...
Part of dealing with the sense of being cut off - for both the one dying and the one bereaved - is acknowledging that though a vital part of life has changed dramatically, all relationships (with friends, even with you, perhaps) have not.
Even if the two lovers are mature and experienced people who know that broken hearts heal in the end and can clearly foresee that, if they once steeled themselves to go through the present agony of parting, they would almost certainly be happier ten ...
A penis is a penis, but a hard-on is more like a message you send to other people. It’s a desire, not a body part.” Brandt swiveled his chair around to face Donnelly, “‘It’s a desire, not a body part’? What kind of fucked-up angry feminis...
It was such a strange tormenting feeling when your daemon was pulling at the link between you; part physical pain deep in the chest, part intense sadness and love. Everyone tested it when they were growing up: seeing how far they could pull apart, co...
The thought of abandoning his friend to save himself was never an option. He collapsed, pushing even closer to Raimie. Pressing his lips against his friend’s ear, he whispered, “As good a day to die as any.” He would defend them until his end.