I could tell he wanted the best for me. Of course, he assumed that would be getting out. Everyone always thought that, not of what we had to go back to, at home. Maybe our parents had thrown away our mattresses. Maybe they'd told our siblings we'd be...
You haven’t fed for several days. And you refuse to drink from me…so go…and come back soon.” He shook his head, his dark eyes bleak as he gazed upon his wife. “I can’t leave you,” he whispered. “Last time I left you alone…” he cou...
Perhaps it is to fulfill this primal urge that runners and joggers get up every morning and pound the streets in cities all over the world. To feel the stirring of something primeval deep down in the pits of our bellies. To feel "a little bit wild." ...
I’ve got a question for you… Are you the person who you thought you’d be by now? I know I am not. The fact is that life may not be what you thought it would be by now (If It is, I congratulate you & applaud you) You may feel stuck in a job you ...
I was breaking down, wanting to fade away and cry, yet I feared ever being invisible again. My head lowered to conceal my humiliation behind a curtain of hair where I trembled as if sobbing. “Hey, Gwen, it’s okay. It’s okay. Calm down.” I yea...
Colour outside the lines, live outside the box. Don’t let anyone tell you what to do, or not. Don’t be afraid, listen to your heart. Heaven is a state of being – of one-ness, and Hell is a state of being – lost. We simply need to live as we b...
I got tired, I told him. Not worn out, but worn through. Like one of those wives who wakes up one morning and says I can't bake any more bread. You never bake bread, he wrote, and we were still joking. Then it's like I woke up and baked bread, I said...
Otto Meyer: So, what's wrong with your wife? Miner: That's the trouble, the doc's not sure. He says whatever it is, she's too sick even to be moved. She needs this special stuff and we haven't got a phone so I went to get it and that's when... Slow d...
Becky: [on the roof about to teach Dante how to dance] Hey, Twelve-Step! [Jay looks around confused] Becky: Jay! Jay: [looks up] Lord? Becky: Up here, jackass. Jay: [moves so he can see her] What the fuck are you doing up there? Yo, if you're gonna j...
Judah Rosenthal: And after the awful deed is done, he finds that he's plagued by deep-rooted guilt. Little sparks of his religious background which he'd rejected are suddenly stirred up. He hears his father's voice. He imagines that God is watching h...
Peter: We're gonna have a hell of a time getting back. Roger: We've just got to wait a little longer before we move. Peter: No, there's always a chance of some of them staying up on the balcony. Roger: We can handle that. We can break right through t...
Michael: We gotta play with more bullets. Nick: What? Michael: More bullets... [gunshot] Michael: I gotta get more bullets in the gun. Nick: What? Michael: We gotta play with more bullets. Nick: More bullets in the gun? Michael: More bullets in the g...
Detective Remy Bressant: Corwin Earle. Serial molester, recently work-release. Went AWOL around the time Amanda disappeared. Nick Poole: Known associates - Leon Trett and his handsome wife, Roberta. The Tretts were released six and eight months ago, ...
Percy Wetmore: What's up his ass? Paul Edgecomb: You, always, you Percy. Percy Wetmore: What I got a hate in you boy, that the way it is around here? Paul Edgecomb: Why don't you just move on and take that job down in Briar Ridge? Oh yeah, I know all...
Andrew Largeman: You know that point in your life when you realize the house you grew up in isn't really your home anymore? All of a sudden even though you have some place where you put your shit, that idea of home is gone. Sam: I still feel at home ...
Captain Dudley Smith: [Captain Smith briefs the squad room on Jack Vincennes' death; Exley is standing beside him] Sergeant Vincennes was killed by a .32 slug to the heart. Time of death, approximately 1 a.m. Although he was found in Echo Park, preli...
Gandalf: He's suffered a defeat, yes, but... behind the walls of Mordor, our enemy is regrouping. Gimli: Let him stay there. *Let him rot!* Why should we care? Gandalf: Because ten-thousand Orcs now stand between Frodo and Mount Doom. I've sent him t...
[Ariel's turned herself into a human] Sebastian: Just look at her! On legs! On human legs! [shudders] Sebastian: My nerves are shot. This is a catastrophe! What would her father say? I'll tell you what her father'd say. He'd say he's gonna kill himse...
Eddie Morra: Well, in order for a career to evolve, I'm gonna have to move on. Carl Van Loon: And you would even think that, would only show me how unprepared you are to be on your own. I mean you do know you're a freak? Your deductive powers are a g...
RoboCop: Let the woman go. You are under arrest. Creep's Buddy: Shit! [RoboCop draws his gun] Creep's Buddy: You... you better back-up, pal! 'Cuz... he's gonna kill her. He... he is gonna kill her! [RoboCop, trying to subdue the suspects without hurt...
John Mason: [Mason and Goodspeed are defusing a poison gas rocket] What exactly does this stuff do? Stanley Goodspeed: If the rocket renders it aerosol, it could take out the entire city of people. John Mason: Really? And what happens if you drop one...