My brother and I moved out to Hollywood initially to be a band, and where we lived, there was crime all over with my brother and I being the victims sometimes.
Rethink Success: Most people will never achieve past their existing levels, because they don't understand the importance of changing their Mindset
I always say I have a Socratic approach to most things that I do. I pummel people with questions, because I need to know what they're thinking, what they're trying to achieve, what they believe the final outcome is going to be.
The substantial uncertainty about the path of asset price movements going forward necessarily reduces the case for altering policy in advance of the move.
I was told millions of times that I was never going to achieve what I set out to, but I decided to do it, and I did it.
In giving to the March of Dimes, my fans can help support vital research and programs to help babies and their families.
I think people are entitled to march without a permit. When you have a few hundred thousand people on the street you have permission.
There's something in the rhythm and roll of it that is connected to the way Hitchcock thinks and moves. Then there is everything he ingested - the cigar smoking and drinking that's imprinted on his voice.
Have a good day on purpose, then elevate your efforts towards other and enjoy a great day in purpose.
If you wish to stand and progress as you ought, hold yourself an exile and a pilgrim on the earth.
Animals are something invented by plants to move seeds around. An extremely yang solution to a peculiar problem which they faced.
If you break your sternum or your ribs, you can still move. It's going to hurt, but if you can cope with it, you'll do it.
I wanted a NBA basketball gym at my house and that's what I worked hard for and I was able to achieve that.
If companies don't think systemically enough - if they try to capture too much of the value - eventually, innovation moves somewhere else.
The first song I ever wrote was when I was 12, and it had, like, four lines in it. You progress and get better.
It seems like we are moving towards something, some kind of point and it is probably going to be an important point in our development or dissolution. That is what everybody seems to be thinking.
I can't sit on my bum very long in a movie theater seat, and when I'm directing, I always want to move the camera or edit.
There are occasionally eureka moments - off the top of my head, maybe Darth Vader's theme, you know, the imperial march.
A worldwide web of electronic connections now moves data at ever-increasing speed and volume along what we call the information superhighway.
Pondering, which means to weigh mentally, to deliberate, to meditate, can achieve the opening of the spiritual eyes of one's understanding.
Sometimes you have to understand that you push ahead, there's going to be a lot of flak, there's going to be a lot of dogs barking, but the wagon train moves ahead.