From one till seven, when we moved to England, I spoke only Portuguese. But I can't speak a word of it now.
The first thing I did when my career started moving was to buy a small house.
The New Deal began on March 25th, 1911. The day that the Triangle factory burned.
The greatest part of intimate confidences proceed from a desire either to be pitied or admired.
Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible. -Frank Zappa, composer, musician, film director (1940-1993)
Everyday do one thing to move you in the direction of your dreams.
It's not what you achieve, it's what you overcome. That's what defines your career.
Somehow, you can achieve a directness in the novel that you can't get anywhere else.
I'm shy, but sometimes my voice is so clear and strong. Your tongue moves, and the Arabic language is so beautiful.
Teamwork is the secret that make common people achieve uncommon result.
A man can only rise, conquer, and achieve by lifting up his thoughts.
Glacial pace is actually an incorrect concept. The glaciers move a lot faster and they react a lot faster than people imagine.
Disapproval is a very important factor in all progress. There has really never been any progress without it.
Mathematical discoveries, like springtime violets in the woods, have their season which no man can hasten or retard.
We don't suggest that because San Francisco lies on top of an earthquake fault that it should be moved.
Is it possible for a man to move the earth? Yes; but he must first find out another earth to stand upon.
I was born here in the States. I moved to Portugal when I was five. And then my parents put me in an English school.
Once the herd starts moving in one direction, it's very hard to turn it, even slightly.
I wanted to be as comfortable in that environment as she was. I moved around those areas in character.
I haven't accepted anyone telling me what is or isn't possible and have just kept moving along toward my goals.
When you're on the road and moving city to city, when someone isn't there at the end of the night, you feel empty.