Besides the fact that I make movies, there's nothing interesting about my life at all, unfortunately.
I was very, very thrown by the fact that I had to make some big changes in my life in order to be myself, but under this kind of movie-star banner.
Cinema is a territory. It exists outside of movies. It's a place I live in. It's a way of seeing things, of experiencing life. But making films, that's supposed to be a profession.
Well, I think that people are smart enough to understand the difference between a movie and real life.
I'm sure the movie industry is going up but I would love to see more Chinese films about contemporary Chinese about the problems of life on the street.
If there's anything about someone's life that's important enough to make a movie about it, I have to take responsibility to get all of it right. It's a huge responsibility.
That character called 'Robin Wright' in the movie called 'The Congress' has nothing to do with me... I've never felt that way about life choices, career, etc.
For 15 years I did two to three movies a year, sometimes four. I didn't get to spend time building my personal life.
In the movies, I kill guys with an axe. In real life, I can't control a nine-year-old girl.
We all know guys who've had their hearts broken in real life; we just don't usually see it in the movies.
Movies can provide tear-inducing or comically-entertaining representations of love, but many agree that its deeper conflicting complexities often seem unfathomable.
They spend an awful lot of money on I-don't-know-what in Hollywood movies; I certainly didn't get any of it. But they sure do love spending money.
My favorite types of movies to watch as a viewer are thrillers - I really have a soft spot for them, I love them. Especially psychological thrillers.
I still do television. I don't care. I just want to work. I love to work. I want to do 500 movies.
It's very difficult to judge yourself. Extreme self-doubt is only attractive when it's fictionalized. Which is why people love the movies. They are so reassuring.
I always laugh because people assume I love horror because I do a horror movie, but I'm not a huge horror fan.
I do love horror movies, but I'm not the kind of guy who would dress up as a ghoul for Halloween. I might go as a member of the Blue Man Group.
I love traveling around promoting different movies because I'm always looking at different places, and I always walk around to see the city.
Playing big, heroic characters with heart is always a lot of fun. I enjoy making movies like that, and a lot of people love to live vicariously through those characters.
I love going to the movies and being moved emotionally. I like my work, singing and writing in my journal.
It seems when I put together records, as Henley used to say, they're just like movies. They should have action, tension, love scenes, places to relax.