I learn so much more in an ensemble movie.
I've always wanted to make movies that are fever dreams.
I've had some great times with actresses, but that's in a movie.
Television is where the great movies that used to exist have gone.
I'll do any kind of movie, as long as it's a good version of it.
I'm not impressed by someone's degree... I'm impressed by them making movies.
I can't really remember my life without movies.
The difference between life and the movies is that a script has to make sense, and life doesn't.
I became a director just for the love of movies, because of the power of cinema.
I just always had a love for television and movies.
I love movie directors. I don't care who it is.
I love big movies, and I love big moments.
But, yeah, I'd love to do something else in someone else's movie.
I want to make my own movie.
Lawrence of Arabia is the ultimate movie, deeply cinematic.
My favorite movie ever is 'Bicycle Thieves.'
We're trying to make a movie that's interesting.
At the end of the movie all of us have this shared redemption.
Every time you make a movie it's an adventure.
Low budget movies make lots of money.
Sometimes you have to make a movie to make money.