I love to look at The Graduate, or Lawrence of Arabia, or things I had nothing to do with. But you could not get me to go back and watch movies that it was a privilege just to be around them when they were being made.
What I love about WonderCon is that, while the focus is on the comics, it's also a celebration of games and movies and all the ancillary media.
We make the kind of movies we like to watch. I love to laugh. I love to be amazed by how beautiful it is. But I also love to be moved to tears. There's lots of heart in our films.
I was raised by boys. I can hold my own, I can fight, and I love horror movies - simply for the scare factor and the surrealism.
I'm so excited to see 'Horns' because it's so many different genres in one film. It's a sci-fi, it's a love story, it's a horror movie, it's a fairy tale.
I love thinking of movie stars who could play the characters in the books I write. I think Charlize Theron would make a lovely Marie Antoinette.
Also everyone's hearts are in the right place when you do a small movie. You're not doing it for the money; you're not doing it for the possibility of an Oscar nomination. You are doing it because you love the material.
I'll always love movies. But there's something I love very much about TV, when you shoot episodes while other episodes are still being written.
I love New York. It just reminds me of so many movies... I look up at buildings, and feel like Godzilla should be climbing up them or something.
A 'Torchwood' movie would be incredible. It would be sensational to have a beginning, a middle and an end in ninety minutes. A big walloping 'Torchwood' crunched into ninety minutes would be breathtaking.
I wouldn't want to lose out on my macho action movie just because I told people I was queer.
I think it's obvious when you're watching a movie, and there's people fighting or someone's slipping on the side of the building, that it's fake and it really removes you from it.
Never compare your love story to those you watch in movies. They're written by scriptwriters, yours is written by God.
I saw 'Alien' when I was 8 years old. To me, it was like a combination of Jaws and Star Wars, and that's the movie that made me want to be a director.
The last thing in the world my parents would want to do is get on a stage or do a movie. They would probably rather die. But they let me be who I was, and they supported me.
During an election, it's like they're doing my job: they're going around banging the drum for their party and selling their movie. You know, it's the same thing.
Now, honestly, every movie set that I go on, I walk onto set with the confidence that there is nothing that they can throw at me that's gonna surprise me.
As a storyteller, when you're writing a movie and when you're directing, you want to keep people entertained. That's the whole point, right? It has to be entertaining.
Everything I do is personal. I have never made a movie that didn't have very strong personal resonance.
The only person who can, with impunity, make the movie he wants to make, has got to be Steven Spielberg.
Of course, fighting is not going to be as graceful as movie fighting. I don't like it to be ugly and I don't like it to be one big brawl or people clobbering each other.