Ma'am," Magnus said, advancing. "I must counsel you not to exit the carriage while a demon-slaying is in progress.
Where the bodily presence is weak and the speech contemptible, surely there cannot be error in making written language the medium of better utterance than faltering lips can achieve?
Progress is not about hating or destroying America, it is about loving and building the world, which can only come from healing our national dementia.
Have you no idea of progress, of development?" "I have seen them both in an egg," said Caspian. "We call it 'Going Bad' in Narnia
It was amazing how many books one could fit into a room, assuming one didn't want to move around very much.
I stared, like always. A tree in the Petrified Forest. I looked down at my hands and feet and ordered them to move, only they wouldn’t.
So when? You know things are moving. You’re changing, your fellow Dead are changing, the world is ready for something miraculous. What are we waiting for?
Accept you are a work in progress, that there are things which you cannot change, others which take time to change and some which will be a shame to change.
Perhaps someday, when you are a father, Prince, you will understand how empty is your heart if your child is a hollow toy that you can move where you will him to be
If we are to make progress, we must not repeat history but make new history. We must add to inheritance left by our ancestors.
Fact is not truth, but a poet who willfully defies fact cannot achieve truth.
Does changing for the better absolve you of all the wicked shit you did before? March fills my head like a warm glow.
The kitchen door, painted red from the day Naomi moved in, and a geranium, also red, outside on the stoop, gave the whole area a feeling of whimsy.
She smiles at our husband as she moves, and he blushes, overcome by her beauty. But I know what her smile really means...Her smile is her revenge.
A social movement that only moves people is merely a revolt. A movement that changes both people and institutions is a revolution.
My feet are dense with dance. I move like I’m wearing concrete boots and I’m trying to tread water. If the music is salsa, I may start gargling.
If you convert a shower curtain to a dress, I’ll wear my waterproof dancing shoes. Together we’ll move so fluidly people will line up to get cleansed.
When I dance, I’m so fluid you could drink my moves. And if you sip it with your morning coffee, you’ll be light on your feet all day.
A slinky is a toy made for stairs, but that’s entirely too tiresome. What about a toy for escalators that doesn’t move and does nothing and that’s the whole point? I think Americans would relate to and embrace that mentality.
It's better to dare to dream big and achieve half of your dreams than to dream small dreams and achieve all
Traffic in Joburg is like the democratic process. Every time you think it's going to get moving and take you somewhere, you hit another jam.