The voice sank through luce's skin and straight into her heart. Daniel's voice. He was calling to her. He wanted her. Needed her. Luce moved towards the sound
Gay culture is in a coming-out process of its own. From out of the closets in the '60s, the culture moved onto the disco floors of the '70s and through the hospital wards of the '80s and onwards to the streets.
Last I checked, the album was #82 out of the top 200 on the Billboard charts thanks to you all. I pray that keeps moving up and with your help it will.
Today, the notion of progress in a single line without goal or limit seems perhaps the most parochial notion of a very parochial century.
Creativity becomes more visible when adults try to be more attentive to the cognitive processes of children than to the results they achieve in various fields of doing and understanding.
I moved to Milan when I was 15. I was always looking for something; I never really felt like I belonged where I was, so I went to live overseas.
We have a responsibility to promote stem cell research which could lead to treatments and cures for diseases affecting millions of Americans.
It has endless possibilities, and but what we do with our arrangements, we move the borders of cello playing and discover new ways of new techniques of cello playing.
I don't think I realized the extremes of my proportions until I moved to Paris. I thought I'd be 'normal' as a model, but actually, even in that world, I was at one end of the spectrum.
Learn how to think a few moves ahead at once. In life, if you can anticipate the human mind, you can anticipate all possible futures.
In a human development sense, our understanding of leadership has essentially “grown up” and moved past personal ego and a self-centered view of things.
Tomorrow there will be no division to Europe and Asia. These are old concepts that would remain only on maps. Everything will be united. Companies will be united. It is a process of structures growing due to the technological progress.
The American dream, to me, means having the opportunity to achieve, because I don't think you should be guaranteed anything other than opportunity.
There are many persons ready to do what is right because in their hearts they know it is right. But they hesitate, waiting for the other fellow to make the make the first move - and he, in turn, waits for you.
You never want your second act or the whole movie to just be this relentless march towards its goal. You want things to take the audience by surprise.
Continue to be bold, courageous. Try to chose the wisest thing and once you’ve chosen the wisest thing go out and try to achieve it. Be it.
The current global landscape is quite different from the not-too-distant past. The process of globalization has intensified, and the world is moving towards new forms of governance.
You've got to get your mind connected to the workout. Pay attention to what your body's doing. It's about connecting mind and the body. Visualize the muscles moving.
To achieve self actualization, do good things for other people that you would want to be done onto yourself
The miracle of light pours over the green and brown expanse of saw grass and of water, shining and slowly moving, the grass and water that is the meaning and the central fact of the Everglades. It is a river of grass.
It doesn't matter whether you can or cannot achieve high temperature superconductivity or fuel cells, they will always be on the list because if you could achieve them they would be extremely valuable.