If your heart is a rose, then your mouth will speak perfumed words.
It is better to be a mouse in a cat's mouth than a man in a lawyer's hands.
Don't make use of another's mouth unless it has been leant to you.
What you don't see with your eyes, don't invent with your mouth.
It's now what enters men's mouths that's evil. It's what comes out of their mouths that is.
Being busy is different from taking action.
You may lie with your mouth, but with the mouth you make as you do so you none the less tell the truth.
I had my mouth done when I was 27. It was a botched job. Obviously, if I had liked my mouth I wouldn't have had it re-done.
Everything that goes into my mouth seems to make me fat, everything that comes out of my mouth embarrasses me.
In New York City, the meek don't inherit the earth. The big mouth does.
Throw him into the river and he will come up with a fish in his mouth.
Even over cold pudding, the coward says: "It will burn my mouth."
"I have a lot to say," said the fish, "but my mouth is full of water."
You don't need to open your mouth at noon to cough in the evening.
A man need not look in your mouth to know how old you are.
He who keeps his mouth shut, dies without confession.
If your mouth were a knife, it would cut off your lips.
Hearing a crow with no mouth Cry in the deep Darkness of the night, I feel a longing for My father before he was born.
These are Tyler's words coming out of my mouth. I am Tyler's mouth. I am Tyler's hands.
Very astute, Harry, but the mouth organ was only ever a mouth organ." - Albus Dumbledore
In life things often go wrong, and the future rarely happens the way you think it will.