The most aggressive artists often hide their romantic side.
Even the most understated ceremony involves a certain respect for ritual and pageantry. No one plays more of a significant role than the bride's attendants.
With science, there is this culture of experimentation, and most of the time, those experiments fail.
It's sad that the most glorious of sexual experiences can make us feel guilty, ashamed, embarrassed, and abnormal.
Most ball games are lost, not won.
Most people don't like challenges at work. Actors love challenges at work.
I find most men don't like a lot of makeup.
Conscience is, in most men, an anticipation of the opinions of others.
Men of lofty genius when they are doing the least work are most active.
The most honest form of filmmaking is to make a film for yourself.
Lena Horne is the sweetest and most adorable woman in the world.
I do most of the cooking in my head.
Most modern comedy is crap.
I think most actors like to be liked.
Anger is the most effective inspiration.
Unhappiness is fearing what we love the most.
Most of my songs make fun of myself.
The pancreas is by far the most complex organ in the body.
In August most of Europe goes on holiday.
Most Sexiest Moment is "CELEBRATION
Most people like to hear sounds they are used to.