Well, I had the most appalling childhood.
The sibilant s is the most difficult sound to correct.
But the cure for most obstacles is, Be decisive.
The most dangerous people are the ignorant.
Most girls don't know what to do with what they've got.
Most actors and actresses are consumed by careers and getting ahead.
Forgiveness is most Christlike when it is given to the undeserving.
Most of the time I'm thinking, I'm glad that scene was improvised.
The most popular labor-saving device is still money.
Poetry and consumption are the most flattering of diseases.
Scientology is probably the most stigmatized religion in America already.
The most stupid religion is Islam.
My most romantic job: I was a manager at Baskin-Robbins.
Love? What is it? Most natural painkiller.
Most music careers slowly but surely go down.
My children haven't even seen most of my movies.
I see most of my movies at festivals.
I like my hands. They do most of the talking.
I'm patient with crossword puzzles and the most impatient golfer.
Most actors have been fired during their career.
Rupert Murdoch is the most dangerous man in the world.