It was an argument of rare power and eloquence.
The incentive to ambition is the love of power.
Authority is not a power, it is a responsibility.
It is not power that corrupts but fear.
The power of the delete key.
Properly used, positive reinforcement is extremely powerful.
Immense power is acquired by assuring yourself in your secret reveries that you were born to control affairs.
All children have creative power.
Those whom we most love are often the most alien to us.
But I think Hillary Clinton is one of the most amazing women of this time.
My father had the most amazing operatic voice, so I have a soft spot for that.
I think having children is the most amazing thing.
'Deadwood' was one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had. I just loved that show.
Architecture, of all the arts, is the one which acts the most slowly, but the most surely, on the soul.
Art consists of limitation. The most beautiful part of every picture is the frame.
Poetry is a domestic art, most itself when most at home.
The most disadvantageous peace is better than the most just war.
Truth is most beautiful undraped.
The values most important to us are always the most easily exploitable.
Sometimes the best gifts aren't convenient at the time.
Ah, sarcasm. The final refuge of the desperate.