A perfect poem owes its perfection to sounding the voice of the heart and the melodies of the conscience, as well as its ability to reflect the considerations, beliefs, opinions, and horizons of thought of the poet, but not due to its formal or menta...
And pity--people who inspire it in you are actually very powerful people. To get someone else to take care of you, to feel sorry for you--that takes a lot of strength, smarts, manipulation. Very powerful people.
No person or situation can make you feel anything-it is only the way you think about a situation that makes you feel the way you do.
No person or situation can make you fed anything-it is only the way you think about a situation that makes you feel the way you do.
Your feelings are the utmost priority, your desires are more important than anyone else's deadline or mandate.
Anger does not make history. Power does. And power may be supplemented by anger, but it derives from more fundamental realities; geography, demographics, technology, and culture.
Fear' defeats more people than any other one thing in the World, walk into this World with the 'spirit of adventure'....the word adventure will lead you through...focusing on the newness instead of focusing on fear of the new!
Human Dignity has five characteristics : A playful curiosity,a capacity for dreams, a sense of humor to achieve and correct those dreams, a certain flexibility and spontaenity of behavior, a capacity to fight for and save those dreams !
All situations have FINE LINE's between the right and not so right.. THAT is the MOMENT when one must stop to look which way to go.. These determine both the DIRECTION of life & the MAGICAL MOMENTS!
I am afraid, I cannot and will not 'surrender' to Orthodoxy!! My life in itself is an 'Epic experiment' of nature and new living!! And I am living the 'Great Adventure'..this moment..NOW!!
One should clearly know that " Every thought that one thinks and every action based on that thought, is taking us either closer to our principal purpose or away from it" Watch out then ....as thoughts become realities!
How are we tending to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual sides to the 'vehicle' of our life...our body. This garden needs constant care and constant growth to stay alive and healthy in all possible senses
It works...conditioning your mind to see something positive in anything! Anything that happens to you, anything said to you, anything said about you.I have the choice to INTERPRET it in a way that is positive.Surefire way to imbibe Pollyana attitude ...
Self Change is a 'RESPONSIBILITY' upon us ! It is not something that comes from outside of us.The realisations, the acceptance, the efforts, the thought, the actions ....all lead to change! It is our ABILITY to RESPOND to the 'Change' needed!
In every siutation , there is a FINE LINE between what is right and what is not so right.THAT is the MOMENT when one has to stop and look which way to go!! These MAGICAL MOMENTS determine the DIRECTION of our lives !
Every real human being has to be a 'rebel'...rebel against whom?? Against his own personality...the bits which have kept him from being the REAL him!
There is no VALUE JUDGMENT more important to man - no factor more decisive in his psychological development and motivation - than the ESTIMATE he passes on himself" . It works on the psyche either in the negative or the positive but it works!
When DEATH stares in our faces.. We can just 'stare' back at it! 'All' falls flat in the deathly moments! No explanations, no reasons, no justifications sound good enough!! Acceptance alone stands out as the truth!
To make a simple change of a typeface can instantly transform text which had the appearance and tone of a joyous announcement to suddenly convey that of a somber tragedy.
If you don't make the time to work on creating the life you want, you're eventually going to be forced to spend a LOT of time dealing with a life you don't want.
I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves ; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their...