I don't find intimate scenes more difficult than other scenes.
Footballers from the street are more important than trained coaches.
The avant-garde makes more sense to me.
People will pay more to be entertained than educated.
Desperation is often more powerful than inspiration.
We often try to solve problems by creating more problems.
I've probably had more jobs than any other actor living.
I think people have a tendency to read into more than there is.
I would like to do something a little bit more edgy.
Until Genevieve I had tended towards the more dramatic type of role.
When you do bigger films, the financiers take more risks.
It is beautiful to express love and even more beautiful to feel it.
They may be a little more high brow than we are.
A person is a person because he recognizes others as persons.
We would like to see you departing peacefully.
We're not earthly beings any more... we're cosmic beings.
Is multilateralism nothing more than a dodge for simple inaction?
Collecting is more than just buying objects.
No, I think the pitching today has more depth.
Character is more important than talent.
The task of the solitary man is to be even more solitary.