You've got to give more than you take.
The models for me were more the folk-rock singers of the '60s and '70s.
I was more secure being a mother than I was walking on a set.
Academics are becoming much more entrepreneurial these days.
Every cause produces more than one effect.
Cancer is a collection of many diseases with common principles, and each disease will have to be understood and more effectively controlled on its own terms.
You learn more doing than doing training.
I think with challenge comes a little more fun.
Even though we all know something,There is a lot more to it.
I wish I were more disciplined.
No one loves you more than you do.
Life is precious. It's more precious when you are in love.
You are more powerful than you can think of.
People become more ignorant when it comes to religion.
For success, purpose is more important than process.
And every human being is precious.
The universe can take quite a while to deliver.
It doesn`t hurt to get more education.
I like cooking, but I like other people cooking more.
Young people are more intelligent and sophisticated.
I've always wanted to play more comic parts.