I am much more of a geek than I am an athlete.
Care more for a grain of faith than a ton of excitement.
It's my instinct more than my voice that keeps me on top.
A poet more than thirty years old is simply an overgrown child.
The hooks didn't roll out any more sevens than my hands did before them.
You can't make people laugh for more than half an hour and be consistent.
Night is certainly more novel and less profane than day.
More matches are lost through carelessness at the beginning than any other cause.
There is more than enough room in the world for Germany and Britain.
There are few more impressive sights in the world than a Scotsman on the make.
Geoff Leonard knows more about me than I know myself.
It takes no more time to see the good side of life than to see the bad.
There is nothing more attractive than a man who is not a New Man.
Kitsch is more dangerous than it looks when taken to the extreme.
How strange! A dog is more humane than a human is.
It is more important to be kind than to have an intelligent mind.
In the cosmos of time, there's not a cocksucker in this room who is more than a fart in the wind!
I was made to be a perfectionist at everything I did. Everything was more important than what I wanted.
I used to care more about the score than I do now.
his shirt had more wrinkles than a smoker's lips
If I got paid, it was no more than five dollars a column, and I still think I was overpaid.