There's nothing more powerful to a showrunner than a truly invested writer.
Doing leads more surely to talking than talking to doing.
If God created us in his own image, we have more than reciprocated." ( )
Revelation can be more perilous than Revolution.
Nothing is more exhilarating than philistine vulgarity.
I felt probably more uncomfortable than Beyonce. But I can't answer for her.
There's more to me than fashion. I just don't want to be seen as fashion.
I have taken more out of alcohol than alcohol has taken out of me.
India is a geographical term. It is no more a united nation than the Equator.
The world worries about disability more than disabled people do.
Language is to the mind more than light is to the eye.
If you play more than two chords, you're showing off.
People know that you can't spend more than you have.
These nuclear plants are more dangerous than people realize.
I've run into more discrimination as a woman than as an Indian.
I have invested in four social networks. More than any other.
I'm more enthusiastic and excited about work than ever. I know now what I'm about.
The sentimentalist ages far more quickly than the person who loves his work and enjoys new challenges.
All my work is much more peaceful than I am.
Nothing in the world can be more exciting than to create something and see it work.
Sometimes, I work a little more from emotion than I do from rational thought.