A man cannot own more than his heart can love.
A bold slave is more powerful than a timid king
Trying to make strangers laugh is crazy and more than a little narcissistic.
No kingdom has shed more blood than the kingdom of Christ.
Experts often possess more data than judgment.
No more than these machines need the mathematician know what he does.
Dream more than others think practical.
Care more than others think wise.
There is more difference within the sexes than between them.
You're always going to be more judgmental about your own performance than anyone else.
There's nothing more interesting than the landscape of the human face.
More people are going out to comedy shows than they were before.
To win you have to score one more goal than your opponent.
People are much more important than superficial environments.
There is nothing more beautiful than life. It is heavenly that we are alive.
A mass of humans is more often wrong than right.
I like California a lot more than New York these days.
If you develop rules, never have more than ten.
He's thinking more with his heart than with his brain.
Nothing reminds us of an awakening more than rain.
The man of the millennium is much more liberated than the man of the '90s.