We spend more on cows than the poor.
My parents are more likely to know who Franz Liszt is than Snooki.
I guess I'm living in the present more than the past.
I'm more than an actor. I'm an icon, an industry.
YouTube is becoming much more than an entertainment destination.
You've got to give more than you take.
I was more secure being a mother than I was walking on a set.
Every cause produces more than one effect.
You learn more doing than doing training.
No one loves you more than you do.
You are more powerful than you can think of.
For success, purpose is more important than process.
The Right is simply more pro-Israel than the Left.
In 2015 tattoos are more permanent than marriages
Do for the others more than you do for yourself
Irish Americans are no more Irish than Black Americans are Africans.
I can take more pain than anyone.
More Missourians are working than ever before.
I'm much more proud of being a father than being an actor.
There is no more steely barb than that of the Infinite.
nothing in this world was more difficult than love.