I've never been on a show that's run for more than a season.
Nothing is more egregious than greedy politicians.
It's more important to be read than paid.
I'm a comeback waiting to happen. No one deserves it more than I do.
You learn more from the flops than from the hits.
Silence is more eloquent than words.
There's always somebody older, richer, more desperate than you.
No one is more enslaved than a slave who doesn't think they're enslaved.
There is nothing more important than your eternal salvation.
Money creates more problem than it solves
I'm probably more of a stand-up comedian than an actor.
I'm much more comfortable singing than talking.
Everybody has demons, some more than others
I'm much more ambitious than I'd like to admit.
Be more wary of the fearful than of the brave.
Be more weary of the fearful than of the brave.
Living is more a question of what one spends than what one makes.
If you're alive for more than five minutes, you're going to be disappointed.
There is more to life than simply increasing its speed.
There's more to life than increasing its speed
Nowhere on earth has more soul than Detroit.